Well here's an update from yesterday. I checked the IAC valve and it was stuck. I took some throttle body cleaner, unscrewed the plunger from it, cleaned the gunk off, and now it won't die in drive. The catching on the steering wheel was fixed by adjusting the tilt all the way up. I hate driving it with the wheel up but at…
I wish it were as simple as a ribbon cable. :D The previous owner told me he replaced the ignition switch when he swapped stuff from his parts car, so the switch needs readjusted. The dying in gear is supposedly the IAC valve, so we'll see in a few days.
What I mean is, are the +$1000 worth of repairs (just to get it running. Paint, bodywork, and interior work +$1000 more) going to be worth it over just getting another $1-2000 car? I can't find the Blue Book value of this car anywhere.
So I can get all of the 40+ women with my sweet ride? It's also spray painted black (blue and red underneath) with paint chipping off and bondo work needed.
I don't think coke will mix well with this, but... http://www.cadip.org/volunteer-in-canada.htm I'm not sure how long you would have to work each day, but there's free housing. Look at the how to earn money without getting a real job thread. Maybe you can do some writing or surveys to get some cash. If you knuckle down,…
I am not just talking about Anonymous here. I'm talking about all private internet users being affected by their actions. Topiary is supposed to be the mastermind behind Lulzsec, yet is sitting in court right now. I'm sure he's just taking the fall, but how are you sure? I just want the internet to be free, and that…
I'm still learning those tools, myself, but I just have a different OS preference... ok, I won't lie, I don't have a drive in my tablet and my thumb drive's too small. :'(
What I'm trying to figure out is how exactly they will be able to fingerprint you. The only thing I can think of is another address similar to your MAC address is being (or will be) broadcasted from another piece of hardware and is pretty much hush hush so nobody spoofs it. Either that, or they can see ALL traffic, like…
-->This proposed bill<-- is why I am so worried about my online privacy. I thought the PATRIOT Act was bad enough. The FISA Act is also being discussed in Congress and they are trying to lengthen the terms of it. Pretty much we're fucked. We will be monitored, cataloged, then displayed appropriate advertising to stimulate…
An unrelated question: why does everyone use Backtrack? The packages are available to any *nix distro. There's a blog that even has a script setup to automagically add the shortcuts to the menu in the same fashion AND update all of the tools to the newest version.
Weird. My experience with Ubuntu-based distros and the mkuser and passwd commands kept the root system the same and allowed an underprivileged user read access to it instead of creating a new "profile" ala Windows and such.
Privacy and security-related links: Tips For Privacy and Security - Crunchbang Linux. This is a great Debian-based distro. Many of the tips listed here also work on other platforms, as they are browser-specific or are cross-compilable. Darknet's Privacy Tag. Lots of useful info from Darknet.org.uk. I'll add more links to…
Yet it is perfectly acceptable to be compensated for your blood, plasma, platelets, hair, and bone marrow? It is perfectly acceptable to sell your belongings to someone else? You own your organs. You should be able to do whatever you want with them. You wouldn't just give a stranger your car when someone else needs a car…
Yes, I understand that happens and it is something I'm trying to avoid. That is why I mentioned two countries where it is actually legal. In those countries, the trade is regulated and performed by competent surgeons and isn't shady like that. Having a family member or friend come along with you would be the best thing to…
I've worked for Textbroker for the past 2 years. I've written about 140 articles and have been paid about $800 from them. There are barely any 3-star articles on there anymore as that's where most writers are at. However, the last time I was on, there was over 1000 4-star articles available. Direct orders are where the…
Illegal, true. However, as stated in previous posts, there are countries where it is legal. Traveling to that country and performing the surgery is perfectly fine. Unethical? I don't see why. We own our bodies and should be able to sell them if we want to. We can already sell blood, sperm, eggs, plasma, platelets, bone…
Well that's the thing. If you find someone who needs it, they'll typically pay for the flight, accommodations, and medical expenses on top of what they pay you. The whole point of this is to find out WHERE to find buyers. I've found numerous donor sites and info on which countries it's legal in, just no brokers or…
Well, from what I've read, you go to actual hospitals with respectable doctors, not some dirty table in a back-alley room. The money you get in total is over $50,000, but they do take medical expenses out of it. I think what it came down to way $50-60k total, but the donor actually gets around $20k cash after medical and…
http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/sell-your-kidney-for-50000-says-specialist/2008/05/04/1209839456231.html "Having someone on dialysis for seven years costs the government about $500,000, and that's conservative," he said. "If it costs about $50,000 to buy a kidney and about $15,000 a year thereafter in health care, the…
Thanks for the advice, but I highly doubt speaking to a local hospital about selling a kidney is a good idea. First of all, I doubt they would have any information. If they did, it would be just as easy for me to learn about it online. Secondly, involvement from authorities, or at least being put on a watch list, would…
Actually, none of you said anything about it sucking. You said it's not what it used to be, which it's not. The last time I checked it out, it was filled with people with poor English skills who would work for a dollar or two per hour and be happy. I vaguely recall some sort of ranking system (?) where you had to do the…
Ok, Mturk SUCKS. It pays shit, and isn't even worth outsourcing work with. Working online depends on your skills, really. Chacha.com is ok, and I've heard you can make about $10 per hour with it. Support.com sometimes hires tech support, and it's all through email, chat, or phone. There's plenty of job boards for online…
Ok, why are you even using bootcamp? Since you're trying to install Windows and not Linux, just use Crossover. I play all of my games with it (NWN2, Oblivion, Two Worlds, etc.) and can run pretty much every program inside OSX.
Nope, no meth. I'm just older than you guys and I was grungy for the past few days before that picture was taken. And possibly a little. I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you? :fap:
Check out kiva.org and I think lendingtree.com does it too. Just google p2p reviews and you'll find sites that compare different lending sites' rates and whatnot.
I've been meaning to add more to this thread, but I haven't had much time. I have commented on another thread, and I'd like to share the information I posted there here: http://www.totse.info/bbs/showpost.php?p=122127&postcount=10
Wait, So you're supposed to sell $40,000 worth of a product, $10,000 each week for a month, in order to get $500 a week? Sure, the $500 a week is supposed to be indefinite, but what if the entire operation shuts down? And what happens to the original $40,000? If you can sell $10,000 worth of something in a week, I'd say to…
Yeah, the simulator in Investopedia, which is http://simulator.investopedia.com, is pretty great. I'm using it to get the hang of things before I invest with Zecco.com. So far, the two stocks I've purchased have made me $438 (in fake money :(). Hecla Mining (symbol: HL) has seen a 21.39% gain in the past two weeks I've…