Seems like wires' deleted her facebook n twitter. When this info was first leaked early today, it worked although her profile was private. Coming up as not found now :o i was gonna start fuckin with her now too :(
This wasn't all coincidence..just like the old database backup that lost a shit load of stuff...personal info gets posted massively, the site goes down, site comes up, registrations disabled,PM's between the lines folks! they are butthurt
Good work on this article, although it's not as relevant now that the new OP's are replacing OxyContin all together. Hopefully everyone knows this and tries not to shoot up the new ones :facepalm:
I'm really starting to hate driving when on opiates. Besides the obvious (nodding at the wheel), even when I'm not at the nodding stage, My vision gets all fucked up and its hard as hell to focus. its sorta like double vision, i dunno my eyes merge together or some shit. i DUNT LIKE IT.
120 hours i believe, 5 days. I had a bag full of somewhere between 30-50 adderall 30mg and didnt stop till they were gone..had sores on my dick from fucking so much without nutting, sores on my tongue (i think from snorting them so much) and shit. It was loopy as fuck.
Kind of a gray area..I have heard Dfg say in mod section only when the forums first came online he didn't want posting of personal info, but later on said it was okay, even in the thread about Firestarter..As long as it's not an available option in the infraction list to infract someone with (it still isnt) i dont see…
Honestly, shining light on things like this makes it worse for you, it's like your putting the spotlight on for a flame lol. If you just kinda tough it through, people giving you shit would of gone away if they see it doesn't affect you. Jus don't bring it up or think bout it, yr cool
Jamie, thats from the source I gave you for DXM rite? If so, I have already ordered from there, and I gotta say its sum good shit. I divided 100mg into 5 equal lines (roughly 20mg) and did each line for a good solid trip