A legal method of inducing hallucinations via seneory deprivation; you're supposed to put a half a ping pong ball over each eye and listen to a radio on static via headphones. The lack of neural stimulation is supposed to induce hallucinations "like LSD". The same effect has been reported by sages who live in caves (called the 'prisoner's cinema'), people exploring the arctic (since it has vast unchanging white evironements), and miners trapped underground. Im going to try this as soon as i can find a ping pong ball, ive got some LSD experience so I'll let y'all know if theyre similair.
Awesome. If you need some noise generated, try using http://www.simplynoise.com/ - it can generate White noise, brown noise, pink noise and all the rest of them
- dont tape over the ping pong balls with duct tape, use transparent tape
- stare at a light source, a red one.
- obviously keep your eyes open
hallucinations should start in 15min to an hour.
I still havent tried it yet even though I said I would. When I do I'll post back.
15 seconds to breathe in, hold for 15 seconds, and release for 15 seconds. You can then wait another 15 seconds before you breathe in again to complete the circuit.
Edit to add: Make sure the room is pitch dark, a blindfold or sleeping mask may be helpful if you can't totally block out the light.