When searching bad ideas on google, zok's totse archive is #2, while we are on page infinity. This is very bad, because we all know that half of the totseans came because of BI, including myself. Therefore BI needs some backlinks.
How to boost our google rating:
*Comments on blogs; in the "website" field put
*If you have a thousand something posts on another forum, put a single pixel link in your sig like this.
. People probably won't find it but googlebots will.
*If you own a website, Include a hidden page with a link to BI. Make sure that it is included in your sitemap or googlebots won't find it.
We need to be #1 on the search for "Bad Ideas"
The idea of having backlinks is to have some GOOD keywords in your links. Putting a single pixel in a link to BI isn't half as good as putting "TOTSE Bad Ideas" or something similar!
Googlebots don't give a fuck.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they DO give a fuck...
Hootsuite and twitterfeed are two websites I'd recommend for advertisement in this area (fb, twitter, myspace, etc).
Now how do we get BI on google?
Backlinks, like you said. Just with the correct anchor text, such as "Totse bad ideas". Get a lot of traffic directed at BI (preferably through these links) and we'll start heading up the ranks.