Alright people it's been a year and the site is still as slow as fuck. :mad:
What we are going to do to fix this:
CMS, it's fucking going. It's a terrible way to display articles, and it is not user contributable. What we are going to do is get rid of the goddamn CMS and put in a wiki. Text files are not what the internet wants. What the internet wants is user contibutable systems such as wikis. The wiki can host anything we fucking want it to because of EFF 47 USC § 230. :thumbsup:
Social media? Fuck that. Nobody wants thier facebook or google accounts linked with criminal activity, so that +1 shit is going. :facepalm:
What's next after that, I'll let you know when it's time. In the meantime I'll do the html and css styling of the wiki, while you guys transpose the articles.
I didn't forget about totse, I just don't have time to fuck around on the forums.
Ypu people need to realize that the old totse is gone and it ain't coming back. Those users have grown up, gotten jobs and put tostse in thier past. For example, spatula tsar no longer gives a fuck about totse, even though he is still active on the internet.
I don't mind giving it a shot, but I am not removing CMS. Doing that would 404 all the previous links and we will drop from the fucking Google main page in an instant. I don't mind having a wiki sub-system along with CMS. We can work on the wiki and see what happens. The migration would be a slow process anyway.
Once installed, I will theme it and make groups and other tid bits.
It's slow because most of the users (including me) are fucked IRL.
We implement the Wiki alongside the CMS. We work on the Wiki, transferring all the content and then leave all the links the same! So basically, we phase out the CMS article by article. We keep the links the same though. basically, the wiki becomes the CMS.
Hard to explain.
It's like this, if the Wiki fails atleast we have some backup.
That's actually how you are SUPPOSED to develop websites and or upgrading/adding to them. It still surprises the shit out of me how many web site developers are doing the most n00bish mistake of adding something, whether it's code or some new feature/add-on, and go completely live with it without a system on the side to test it on. No professional web developer has one site, but at least two if not just for testing purposes on the second which is a carbon copy of the first.
Same thing goes when re-designing a website. You have to do it side-by-side which is why it takes a lot longer most of the time to get something new up and running while you could technically do it in a day. The result? The site would lose almost ALL traffic because 90% of the old sites functionality wont work. Even big sites with teams that do this for 6-12 months working on rebuilding the site layout have at least 10% still fucked when it goes live. It's a major task and I don't envy it. Try telling someone who is the sole developer on a website who has everything set up, from the multiple languages and code required, to SQL, and they'll probably tell you to go fuck yourself. It isn't nearly as easy as it sounds.
No we won't, if you do it right and redirect the CMS directory to the wiki with a 301. You could rewrite /cms/articles/*/article-name to /wiki-directory/article%20name I would think.
A) It's not a one go job to just move to the wiki. It would take time to make it usable.
Even with a redirect it's still a hit and run.
In short, it's better to test things before jumping in.
The OP should accept that we are not going to get a large amount of traffic in a short period of time no matter what we do. I was also not aware that he was in a position to give orders.
I see nothing wrong with having a wiki in parrallel to the CMS. The nature of our users brings up the question of vandalism. I wonder how it will pan out.
If we are to implement a wiki i would suggest we use the most boring, tested, supported and secure implementation available: wikipedia's mediawiki.
Although there are others such as TikiWiki that can be classed as groupware but that can lead to headache.
As for the CMS, it sucks. Honestly it's a terrible system to display text files, because it's pretty much a fucking blog. Obviously deleting the CMS will be a stupid thing to do, so we need to install the wiki software and move the guides over one by one. Once a guide is moved over, you put an http meta refresh or a 301 redirect on that cms page. Such redirects automagically update google's index, and search rankings are not lost.
So dfg/hellish, install mediawiki, but don't link to it yet as it needs styling. Just give me the ftp link to it's installed directory, and I'll start modifying the php pages to make them totse-like.
Let's quit dicking around and get this place working.
No one remotely cares about text files when it comes to information these days. We aren't exchanging info in the 80's anymore, shit is updated.
I'll upload the zip theme in a few minutes.
The way i made this was be editing one of the pre-installed themes called "monobook". I though i'd be able to remame it and change the variables in the php but for some reaon that escapes me it won't work.
So this will have to overwrite the monobook theme.
download link:
Just make the theme if you want or just modify the pages on your local install. Send me the Zip file like Slartibartfast did and I will implement it.
Personally Wiki's didn't really work well if you look at Zoklet.
Oh, btw Drupal is a not fucking BLOG. You don't know how much I want to strangle you for that. Fucking and New York Times is using it. CMS not a fucking blog. As for security wise Drupal pwns any Wiki.
Again, I will install it but I am not going to dump the CMS. It will stay because thanks to it, we have some decent ranking. Oh and don't forget we're not using a CDN.
*Goes to install it*
I have to halt the installation.
Yeah, that doesn't really happen with Drupal.
Anyway, I have send a PM to Vineman. Once the PHP is upgraded to accomodate MediaWiki, I will install it. I don't want to take extra risks anyway.
Installing it on local mirror.
BTW it only works if you are logged in (and have selected it) unless you make it the default.
I'm working on a simple homepage structure, won't finish it until tomorrow.
I got it to work after a bit of fucking around, then again i know next to nothing about how to get this sort of thing working. I'm slowly learning though.
Hence I started the post with FUCK YOU, but over the months I understand how Katz talks.
Anyway, the wiki will be restricted to editors only. This will make sure no one fucks up.
Plus, I will need to create guides for Wiki because it's a LOT EASIER to dumb data on Drupal using Editors then Wiki. It doesn't really support rich text etc. Trust me I tried working with Wikipedia and other platform and it's a bitch to understand.
But I am sure if everyone helped out, we can make it work.
I think the wiki could exist alongside the cms as they're two different entities. "Wall of text" style guides in the cms, and maybe some of the more in depth guides on the wiki/other information that wouldn't be put in a guide such as information about totse etc.
we did this with
I think it can be done with cms and wiki as well.
*Goes to look*
Way to completely destroy the whole point of the wiki. :facepalm:
For the time being, until editors and mods are trained. You don't want other text-files edited with goatse. It can easily happen.
You can set it up so there are editors who have the power to easily revert changes made should there be vandalism. Wikis make it easy to catch vandals as everything is logged.
I know katz has a point but you need to follow some protocol before opening the gates. The thing is I can get this working in 30 mins but we have to work with mods and editors so things actually pan out.
Anyway, fucking power going out.
I will just drop this here. I was looking for ways to export data to mediawiki when I found this. It can easily be done btw.
On the otherhand i'm creating some warning label templates as apparently those aren't default and have to be hand-made. All the user has to do to ger the below message is type in {{kill}} :
I have located a good wysiwyg editor called FCKEditor There is a lot more in that link, they all look the same to me.
I told you i wasn't good at design.
If you add more than three of them to a page you get that content box on the first one. I'm working on fixing it.
mediawiki is the worst documented popular software i've ever used
EDIT: I've worked it out. mediawiki in it's infininte wisdom assumes i would like a contents list if i have 4 or more heading tags. This is probably true 99% of the time:
PHP upgraded, you will see the wiki online shortly.
I'm not sure if that's the proper extension to use however (none of them specifically mention vbulletin).
This will add a level of complexity that may end up causing us headaches withe the DB.
I think we should keep the credentials separate. Not everyone will want to have access to the wiki and a filling out a simple form is not a big ask.
This image expains all:
I have finished the standard warning messages:
I'd appreciate a PM with a link to the Wiki if you wouldn't mind. I assume that as an editor, I'll be allowed to poke around a little and get used to how it works?
then your little schemes will be ruined
Any word on the status of the wiki?