Never played one, but since ive seen "I hit it with my Axe" on the escapist I want to try one as it looks like alot of fun one could have with their friends. Does anyone have any experience with Tabletop RPGs (not just D&D); did you have fun, was it expensive, difficult?, rewarding?, etc.
Specifically I'd like to try a round of the Call of Cthulu rpg, would this be a good game to start with?
I fucking love this game, one of my friends has it. Always been a goal for me to get lucky and finish the game in....what is it again...2 moves? if you get extremely lucky. Pretty sure you have to play the scientist and it's only if the first gate opens where you happen to be standing.
Same went for D&D. The 3.5 stuff is cheap as shit to pick up now, and it still functions well.
I would recommend anything from the Old World of Darkness from White Wolf. Hunter, Mage, and Vampire were their best ones. Just glanced on ebay, and the core books are going for $5-10.
Yes, everyone, I was a hardcore nerd once, too.
Ok erm where was I yeah I have heard bad, I mean interesting things about the CoCRPG mainly the game revolves around a "sanity roll". Basically roll "oh fuck I've gone batshit insane" rinse repeat then again if your lucky with your rolls you may end up flying a seaplane straight at Cthulu's head whilst remaining sane.
The Cthulu games, (I played Call of Cthulu) are really hard to G.M., they tend to have really linear story lines, and it's hard to resist the temptation to put in some obvious clues when your players are bumbling around uselessly, or do something nasty if they do too well.
I really liked one from the 80's called Gamma World, an early post apocalyptic game from TSR, mutants, wastelands, good shit.
"you did not just roll double zeros and send Orcus back to the pit using psionics, no, looks like you did, fuck, he was just doing a cameo appearance, you weren't supposed to ATTACK him, well, might as well just burn the rest of this module and call it a night, are you happy you lucky bastard?"
Well of course the system failed and teams were not thawed until 100 years later. By that time shit had gone to far south for the original plan to succeed so many teams (npc) went rogue. As a player your team had a choice to continue with the original plan and try to restore order or to use your technological advantage to carve out your own little kingdom or whatever.
The game play for this session was unbelievable in that it flowed smooth as silk. When we were all finished the co-referee announced that he hoped we all enjoyed the game, it was for sale, and introduced us to the GM, Greg Morrow.
That's right, we were playing in a game that was being GM'd by the creator of the game.
So like CO says, the GM and the people you play with make all the difference in the world when it comes to any RPG.