Does anyone here legitimately suffer from any sleep disorders?
If yay, have they affected your general mental well-being and/or what have been your personal experiences with them.
If nay post some incessant flamey bullshit :hai:
As OP I'll lead the charge.
As a child I suffered from night terrors, and recently worked out that I also suffered frequently from sleep paralysis.Sleep paralysis which consisted at the time of me being unable to move and absolutely convinced a man was about to plunge a knife into my back.This would happen many times a night,usually once or twice a week.It was utterly terrifying and ruined my sleeping habits from ages 6-11.
I still occasionally suffer from sleep paralysis though now it is more irritating than anything, just a particularly shit way to wake up in the middle of the night:mad:
Now I didn't think much of these sleeping maladies until tonight. Why tonight? you ask!.Well through a rather bizarre set of events, I've found myself in a situation where being stabbed to death in my sleep seems a lot more plausible than on most
other nights. Apparently I've associated the memories of wee little plebert suffering sleep paralysis with being stabbed in my slumber, because I've suffered severe paranoia/sleep paralysis/checking over the shoulder to make sure there's no one in the room that shouldn't be.
Shit is fucked,never experienced anything like it.
Anyone have any idea what the fuck is going on here?
Due to work I've slept for roughly an hour in the last two days, and this is a known trigger to sleep paralysis as well.
I know a thread was recently made pertaining to ghostly encounters, and in my experience many of these "I woke up to a presence in my room" spooky scenes are just people rationalising the sheer mindfuckery of sleep paralysis away with ghosts, demons etc.Such is human nature.
So, Mind & Body what fucks up your beauty sleep?
All I've got going on is having little sleep (2-3 hours if I sleep at all). I hate sleep, it's such a waste of time. I'd much rather be on here learning something new, reading about the world, or engage in debates to further my own understanding of a topic or reexamine my own views.
EDIT: Actually, I do recall several years ago laying down at night and relaxing all my muscles, going completely limp just to see how long I could (It's hard). I went to sleep I think, and at some point I woke up and realized I couldn't move. I was trying as hard as I could for somewhere around 5 minutes trying to lift my arm, or something, with no success. Scared me for a while...
Feels bad man.
It usually occurs when I'm
B)Haven't slept for a night(s)
and invariably during the hypnogogic phase of sleep. Which leads me to think there is a biochemical(and probably hormonal) reason for this(Norepinephrine andMelatonin are the likely suspects)
In other news, who has had 'ghostly sleep paralysis experiences' ?
A religious acquaintance of mine was convinced she was visited by the holy ghost and her dead mother...simultaneously. The room filled with fog and a great weight held her down, the temperature dropped significantly and her mother, who had drowned when she was a young girl, appeared before her and told her a demon *in the shape of a huge throbbing phallis was watching over her.(For those who've seen insidious, please complete the mental picture)
Of course prior religious views played a significant role, as well as the inherent unreliability of memories.Still, there must be millions of people who've never heard of sleep paralysis and assume a religious or supernatural explanantion.The mind is too widely misunderstood and many wives tales are still perpetrated as truths.
Fuck you Bradley Cooper and your poorly scientifically founded premise of a movie.
She tells me I last for ages when I do this.
We still arnt sure if im asleep or just so nackerd I dont remember.
I do however have Somniloquy or talk in my sleep in layman's terms. Not really something I suffer from although whether or not I suffer it due to screwy REM patterns I also have the irritating habit of waking up every couple of hours throughout the night.