hey guise.
i met this girl who is reallllllyyyyyy smart.
she took so many college credit courses that she's considered a transfer student instead of a uni freshman.
not to mention she's beautiful and a brilliant gal...
We met at a park (stfu -_-) and she was using some weird wifi app to sniff hidden wifi networks, i looked next to her and asked wut she was doing and she was like oh i wanna send someone a photo but 3G is too slow. then we got all geek and started talking about gsm networks and how blasting fast verizon's lte is, and she brought up CDMA which i have no idea wut it is (gsm minus sim?). so she gave me her cellphone number which I can't fucking call because i sold my iphone.
i want to meet up with her but i left her with trembling hands and drenched in sweat. how do i approach a hot smart chick? im not gonna bring up cellphones anymore and i cant talk about school cuz...yeah stfu..
help me guise (tdr you can't post you old shit)
2.Get her drunk
4.You don't have sex with her.
This might be shocking, but she likely has OTHER interests.
Get her to talk to you about them.
There's gotta be at least ONE thing you can relate to.
If nothing else, don't freak out about her being smarter.
It really doesn't mean a whole lot, provided you can at least enjoy one another's company.
EDIT: CDMA is a technology used for Wireless Cellular Phones and Internet. It's pretty common in Pakistan and you get decent Internet download and upload speeds.
How fuckin hard is that?
Also, whatever you're smartest at try to steer the convo towards that if possible once in a while, so she can see that you can be intelligent as well...
Get over yourself first. Then you'll have confidence. AND DEN, you won't make posts like this. Who cares if she's smarter then you. Thats fucking cool. Learn something.
Box just chill the fuck out. For goodness sake stop sweating. I know you're jobless and homeless but surely you can afford to buy or steal some deoderant or anti-perspirant. Don't bring up technology. Try to avoid the fact that you're a hobo (homo?). A good fresh topic would be music because almost everyone listens to music (I've actually met a few people who don't). Talk about music but don't tell her about your shitty taste ie how you listen to Taylor swift and ke$ha. She'll either think you're a perve or a faggot which though one or both might be true neither works in your favor. You need to find some way to call her. Even if you have to buy one of those shitty go phones. Communication is the key, that and not being creepy or a dumbass. Honestly if you want something to come out of this you need to sort your fucking life out first. Keep in contact with her of course but seriously work on your standard of living. Don't take her to wherever you're sleeping now. Get to know her likes and dislikes. If all topics fail talk about her. Do not ramble on about tech or games or yourself.
gotta keep the game sharp tho.
That reminds me, I used to flirt with this chick in 8th grade while playing yahoo pool. It was so easy back then.