Piers Morgan, a former editor of a British tabloid paper (he resigned after a trading scandal) had the fuck trolled out of him by a British MP, Louise Mensch. She used a law called Parliamentary Privilege - it means if you say something in parliment, you cannot be sued for libel amongst other things. In my eyes, Morgan is slimey, but the video below is very funny - Moragn runs at the same point again and again and gets stonewalled each time. One can only imagine the spit coming out of his mouth, he is a smug cunt. The MP is not bad to look at either.
ALSO: LOL @ Piers telling her to "read my book" and then get back to him.
All I got from her is that she was stating that she had already made clear her opinion. I didn't get a dumbass vibe off of her. And I didn't get a dumbass vibe off of him either, just that he was getting all pissy trying to get her to say what she had already said.
But fuck Piers Morgan. He's a toffee-nosed twat. Not a bad MP either.