This week, due to certain circumstances, I am going to be stuck in a hotel room for a week. It's not really a vacation type of thing, and on top of that I'm in a really lame city. So totse, I have decided to go on the path of self improvement instead of downloading a bunch of movie and jacking off all day, but I have yet to be pushed in a certain direction. What thing/hobby/whatever should I master this week, and why?
I second this. I haven't played in years but I loved my Megrim discard hand rape deck. Was really cheap (I built it from scratch at my local comic book shop for a tournament for less than 10 bucks) and makes having a hand hard to do when I get 3 black mana.
The best way to play magic is to build a masturbatory combo deck. Why interact right?
I have cheap shot monsters like Festering Goblin, Abyssal Specter, Skinthinner, and Headhunter. They server their purposes and give me cheap defenses if a player can ever get the chance to slip in an attack.