So the newest addition to our home really fucking sucks. Eats our food, messy, rude, always having sketch ass people over, he's just a shit roommate who's getting kicked out this month. Well he's got a pretty nice Alienware laptop and before he departs I'd like to really, really, really fuck up that computer in a discrete way.
Aside from a full fucking driver wipe...I've got no idea. Help me out here fellas. This faggot has it coming.
Take off the cover and press hard on the top of the harddrive (the side with the label on it). It should make a grinding noise. Keep pressing. What you're doing is scratching the drive's platters in a discrete way. Put the cover back on and boom.
It will either not boot and will corrupt his data in an irrecoverable way or it will fuck up part of his drive and will only screw him up when he uses enough drive space. If the last one happens it won't be obvious that you did it.
You're welcome.
find a very nasty processor killing virus and install it
erase the boot table
put windows vista on it
make a file with tones of illegle material kiddy porn ect and lock the folder so he cant open or delete it then turn him in
Question is does masturbatron want his roommate to know he did it or not?
another suggestion some how make the fans stick so it over heats wile he is using it
Assholes always get it the end so why trouble yourself with it.
That said you could do a friendly reformat of his C drive.
search on line for viruses just dont open on your own computer