So drunk... So horny... Soo, so, horny.. But drunk.. And so.. Hot.. What's up?
Obviously trolling. Having a user name that initiates thoughts of you being a female online, saying you're drunk so people can give you the attention thinking they have a chance at getting you to do what they what, claiming you're horny because we all know what alcohol does and then saying you're hot because we all know how hot and horny are one and the same.
Nope. I have proof.
Obviously trolling. Having a user name that initiates thoughts of you being a female online, saying you're drunk so people can give you the attention thinking they have a chance at getting you to do what they what, claiming you're horny because we all know what alcohol does and then saying you're hot because we all know how hot and horny are one and the same.
I will not submit to your trickery jew.
fuck...i hate it when my dude passes out before me/not with me. lame indeed.