I let myself get pushed around alot, since when its happening I dont feel any strength inside me, then later all the anger/power comes and swells up inside me. what the fuck?
It's really embarassing not having the right emotional responses for the right situations. Alot of the time it feels like if I dont get angry people call me a pussy and if I do people say Im a lunatic, and then so for a long time I learned to avoid people altogether but that only made everything a hell of alot worse. Sometimes I feel like i'm going fucking crazy. It happens over like the stupidest shit too, like this dude just kept calling me gay, like i dont give a fuck, but he kept doing it and then eventually something just dropped inside me and I felt hollow inside. And now im totally pissed. I hate this, Im a grown man and Im so fucked up inside; and Im not trying to sound emo, but really this is really hard to deal with.