This has happened two nights in a row.

ThirdRockFromTheSunThirdRockFromTheSun <b style="color:blue;">Third<em style="color:pink;">Cock</em>FromThe<em style="color:brown;">Bum</em
edited August 2011 in Life
I've gotten extremely tired early, and ended up going to bed at half past 12, which is weird for me because I usually go to bed at around 3ish.

So anyway, I've been going to bed earlier then waking up at five am(ish) and can't get back to sleep. That's the stage I'm at right now, but here is what happened yesterday;

I got up at half five, then back to sleep at half-six. Then somehow, I managed to sleep until five PM, and my brain was fucked over all day.

I'm sure it's some kind of physiological thing. I'm just wondering WHAT it is, or whats triggered it. Has anyone else had the same sort of problem?


  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited August 2011
    Shitting hell. I've had something similar too but not as severe. Just 1 or 2pm. I'd force myself to wake up like today, at 7am after even the most tiring day beforehand.
    You know it makes sense. Don't go back to sleep.
  • ThirdRockFromTheSunThirdRockFromTheSun <b style="color:blue;">Third<em style="color:pink;">Cock</em>FromThe<em style="color:brown;">Bum</em
    edited August 2011
    ^ I just tried it. I don't feel tired, really. A bit sleepy, but not at all tired. I'll try make it up 1, or 2 am. Hopefully I won't wake up again, and continue my sleep to morn.
    1. Coloured discharge
    2. Early bedtime, interrupted sleep
    3. Babyrape

    Actually, now I see this. I definitely have aids :(
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