Sleep Calculator

Caramello KoalaCaramello Koala Acolyte
edited September 2011 in Spurious Generalities
I'm sure a lot of you already know about this site, but just in case I'm posting it:
This site is a sleep calculator, you input what time you need to wake up, and the calculator will tell you what ideal times you should aim to fall asleep. Also if you press the ZZZ button, it will tell you what ideal times you should wake up if you were to go to sleep right now. It works by calculating how many sleep cycles (average sleep cycle is 90 minutes) an average person needs to get a good night sleep, it also calculates what time you will be in light sleep so that when you wake up you won't feel groggy. If you have an iPhone it's best to use this in conjunction with the Sleep Cycle app for the best sleep/waking up experience!
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