Sup players.
You clicked here because you believe that it is a god given right to pluck a creature from the sea and eat it.
And you want to know how to find the biggest tastiest creatures am I right?
Lets rap about it.
I have a spearfishing rig (1.2m gun with 2 heads - a 3 stabber prong and standard maki point) and a telescopic fishing rod that can handle about 5kg worth of fish.
Spearfishing is fucking badcore and as long as you can manage to aim correctly you caught a fish. No real tips there beyond common sense.
As an Australian we have a whole lot of great esturary fishing to do; my biggest tip would be to seek the habitat. Big fish hang out in water with some depth around reeds, jetties and other coverings - and use local bait. I cannot stress local bait enough. Putting a bug from nearby on my hook is 10x more effective than some greasy prawn.
I've got about $1500 of fishing equipment, yes I am a tackle whore. Now that it's heating up here in Summer, my mind turns to three key fish: sharks, trevally and mangrove jack! I'll update this thread with pics next time I catch something decent.
Also, I might write up a guide or two of how to clean and fillet fish?
I love the mornings when you get there just before sunrise and mist comes off the water, and you just chill, sipping on your coffee/soup and watch the float.
I need to stop reminiscing. Really getting twitchy to fish
I fly fish. Nothing like a day on the river with just a pair of waders, a rod, couple of reels, Landing net, hat full of flies and a priest in my pocket.
I went scuba diving in the whitsundays and Fuarrrrrrrk the giant trevally there scared the shit out of me. You'd need some heavy game to pull that out of the water; they're fast as well.
I love using surface lures for them...
*pop, pop, pop* *SMASH* "zinngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg"