Here is a screenshot I took many months ago, way before I reformatted a couple days ago. As you can see, the GPU temperature is at 47 degrees centigrade....
Here's one I took today, after removing the side fan from my case....
That's a drop of 10 degrees! Turns out that the side fan on my case was actually messing up air-flow more than it was helping anything, so I plan on leaving it out from now on. I've got a place for another fan on the base of my case so I'll probably end up adding another one there, just to see what happens. Mix and match!
Just goes to show that air flow and direction can either make or break your system. Try out some new fan positioning and see what you can achieve! :thumbsup:
You should totally do this, right now.
Temperature outside is 43C and it's 7:36 Pm which means the fun is down and it's effing evening.
Nope, OC is a big factor when you're doing videos. Trust me,
it will be active in 10 min or more. Currently uploading files.
Now, what I mean by OC'ing is, that I don't really run games on this system. Increasing my Processor speed makes it easier for me to work with videos. Since I am using AMD GPU not (NVIDIA) every bit of processing is done by the processor and it really drags down everything when it's stuck rendering or working on some sequence. On a system like this it saves me minutes and it allows me to Multitask without locking the whole system. Also, it renders faster. I am not saying that everyone should OC their processors or components but you have to be smart about it.
If you see a real advantage and if it really lowers you wait time then sure go ahead. If you're just doing OC for games than you're an idiot.
I agree with your point as well. Not disagreeing with it.
It's as old as this PC is. I built it... 4 years ago? Maybe just under 4 years, why do you ask? It's still running just as strongly as the day I got it - same goes for the rest of the components. Spend a little extra money, buy good quality parts and you really won't regret it :thumbsup:
Clean the old paste off that gpu chip & put some fresh stuff on it. You'll be amazed @ the temp changes dude.
that thermal paste stuff is cheap i should try some
Changed the paste on my CPU and GPU about a week ago :thumbsup: