...Then why does he send us to Hell? I've never gotten an answer to this.
Pain and suffering for all eternity? I wouldn't wish that on anyone, no matter
what they've done, let alone not believing in something.
It just... It's confusing. I kinda want to believe in God; he seems like a cool guy.

But then I hear this crap about him sending us to Hell? Even a simple explanation like he gets off on it would do.
Yeah, you're probably right.
He has stated that Hell is not a location, but a state of mind people choose to be in, when they make a decision to reject God, however they conceive of him/her/it/them/whatver.
Hell is a myth, no such place. The myth was started by the priesthood to keep the flock in line, which kind of backfired.
So what about all the references to a "lake of fire" in Revelations?
Let's look at the premises:
1. God is all-loving.
2. God is all-powerful.
3. BUT evil still exists in the world.
If 1 and 2 are true, then 3 cannot be. If God "loves" us (1), why would he allow/orchestrate evil? If God loves us (1) and is all-powerful (2), then he could intervene to make everyone's lives a little bit easier. So either (1) is false and (2) is true, (2) is true and (1) is false, or both are false.
Also, there is no such thing as God.
What about things that are out of our control?
Earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis...there is no way for mankind to prevent these disasters but they still occur. If God is so omnipotent and benevolent, why does he allow all of these things to happen?
When has that happened though? There's been plenty of "advanced" animal species that existed thousands of years which have died and were not followed by any other evolved form. An extinct animal like the saber tooth cat used to hunt on large animals such as mammoths and boars. What cats in modern day hunt on animals like those? We have tigers that hunt on deers and other weak creatures.
Sure there is. Those children are staving because you haven't done anything about it.
kinda like how your dad sent u to rehab, he loves u and he did it for your own good.
sure .... a few days without drugs seemed hellish and felt like an eternity .... but once you recovered .... you'll know it's not.
once u repent in hell ... then you'll realize that it's not that bad and that long after all.
Yeah, someone should go build them some churches.
:facepalm: Repenting in hell is futile. Burning and agonizing for eternity is what you'll get. There's no way out. It's not rehab you dummy. You're there for life AND BEYONDD!!!
That won't satisfy their hunger or nourish their bodies. But managing the worlds resources differently would sure help.
The conclusion that God does not exist, does not follow from the fact that some people are starving. If you really sit down and think about it - or about anything, really - you eventually realize that it involves everything. The Whole picture. And this interconnection, this unity of all things (including things that may seem contradictory, like inside and outside or life and death) is what I mean by God.
'God'=All knowing
'God' created you knowing exactly what would happen to you, yet continues letting you suffer due to the flaws that 'God' created you with.
You just gave me my new background. Thanks.
The guy who took this picture caused suicide because he felt guilty for taking a picture first, and THEN helping the child. Even though the photographer did eventually rush the child to a nurse or something, he couldn't live with himself for waiting for the vulture to get into the right position and everything...
After a year of recognition (he won awards for this picture since it depicted the life of Africa, etc) he crawled inside his car and went to sleep with the engine on.
Sure there is. Its just that black people dont have souls:p God can still e loving and there be a hell in my opinion. Think about it like this he put forth the option just believe in him and your saved. But why would he care to help those that reject him and his existence. you reject and mock him he mocks you. Now I dont think if you've been raised as a Hindu you whole life and never read a bible you'd go to hell. In the end god knows your heart and takes that into account.
of course some religions believe hell IS more like a rehab so to speak you only go until your purified. I think Islam teaches that. I think when it comes down to it hells reserved for those that completely reject god and his ways. And reject good. The amount that actually go to hell has been exaggerated by organized religion to scare people I think. However I believe it is a real place.
Technically, I was "created" by my parents. Giggity giggity. My suffering would be an extension of my fallen state, passed down to me.
One might argue that he did create Adam and Eve and as a result is still responsible for what would happen to me indirectly, however it was not his will that was followed. In fact, he was disobeyed, and the consequences that were promised occurred.
Of course, the story of Adam and Eve is probably more of a metaphor for the beginnings of humankind in general, but they were likely given a similar choice and they obviously took the wrong one. God is all-knowing, yes, but he does not control our will. It was still their choice, and it is still our choice.
Next time you give a blurb, at least include a source.
Yeah, yeah...I just read about this like a year ago, I didn't remember the guy's name or anything.
Cool. Thanks for the share. It's kinda freaky how the guy committed suicide. Won't the photograph have made him rich and all?
He knew exactly what they would do. He is all knowing. He created them knowing full well they'd disobey him and he would punish them. Free will does not exist if he is omniscient.
God would have known when he created adam and eve, that down through the generations, you would be born and the fallen state would be passed onto you. (Deu 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin, hypocrisy much?) Thus he chose to damn you to hell for all eternity because he is a gigantic faggot and got butthurt when his creations did exactly as he knew they would when he made them.
He knows every little thing we will do. It was him who made us with the flaws and biases that lead to us acting in certain ways. How can that be free will?
tl;dr your god is an ugly hate filled tyrant.
Which is a pretty interesting concept, really, especially if you consider how the New Testament is radically different than the Old Testament. It would seem like Christ was rebelling against the strict Jewish system.
What gnostic gospel is this in? Ive been doing some reading on the gnostic and this is interesting. I know they view the god of the old testament the "demiurge" as different then Elohim but I didn't know it says Jesus gave them the apple.
I wish I knew. It's just something I've heard over and over again. Ask the person I quoted, they might know.
Not necessarily. They would seem mutually exclusive but aren't inherently. Explain how free will would cease to exist in the case of an omniscient being, keeping in mind that the image most have of God is grossly inaccurate. He's not a superhuman, he's more of a personification of love and justice. It goes beyond the way our mind conciously perceives events/thoughts/etc.
Another misconception, is that he damns you to hell for your actions. It is really more of the fact that our condition is reprehensible to his nature and cannot be tolerated. If you've ever taken a realistic look at yourself and the world you quickly realize we're all backstabbing assholes who deserve eternal damnation. It's pretty evident.
dude ... your interpretation of christianity is extreme. It's christian like you that'd strap bombs to yourself and then blow yourself up in crowded places and giving christians a bad name.
Moderate up.