I've finally managed to escape the horrors of shitty ADSL and finally got fibre at my place. Its provided for free by my landlord, comes with unlimited data and is on the slowest plan of 30 mbps down and 10 up which isn't too bad for free internet but considering we can get 200/200 connections in our area it still kinda sucks but meh. Still better than 0.5 mbps down/0.1 up :shudder:
I had ADSL up until last year. My download was what my upload is now. Now I get 30/1.5!!
In practice the speed can only be as fast as the other ends upload, which is usually nowhere near my capacity - I'm pretty happy.
Actually there is something off about my connection, it's usually 10Mb/s up and down, yes I am on fiber.
Also, why did we abandon the good old Forum style?
I even get good international speeds. Even to the west coast of the US I only drop by around 2 mbps.
I have to post an image like soooo.
<img src="Image URL" />
Yep! It's a pain in the arse, ay woot?
I just literally paste the link to an image
and the forum automatically embeds it. Everything is automatic, even youtube stuff.
For me vanilla works bloody swimmingly on a /localhost but this vanilla conflicts.
I logged in and went to open multiple threads (like I do) and noticed a different "favicon" in the task bar. Bluish background with the "&T" logo in pinkish purple. None of the tabs opened any content. Perhaps what we're experiencing is a conflict with a previously used theme or something. (First time I've seen it by teh waiz.). It's definitely a conflict somewhere and after seeing that favicon I'm starting to think it's not cloud. 5char!!
Just got fibre bitches.
1) It should be 100/40 (but whatever)
2) The router is a flaming piece of shit (plain text admin password in the html source). This is good for me because i can get it to do things they don't like (like block router updates,change dns etc)
3) they now block also inbound 443. When i had cable they didn't d this (only 80, and 22 )
The blocking of 443 is very annoying to me, as i was using sslh to server https, opebvpn and ssh on the same port.
25mbs download. No word on the upload which is likely done by dialup/adsl1.
Beheath Oz we pay dearly for a rural satellite link. I'm one of those rurally oppressed totseans who's government thinks cows and sheep are solely our purpose in economical growth therefore they feel internet deters us from their objectives, and internet speed belongs to the industrial and commercial wealth of city dwellers
Oz sheep want nothing more than to drink the bar dry at your expense and no guarantees that you'll get laid because they normally drink you under the table.
As far as scottish sheep are concerned, they just want you to go all romantic braveheart on their shaggy wooly arses, get married and settle down on some grassy highland hill. Fuck that shit!
Give our sheep good, clean fresh grass and you're guaranteed to take one, two or even a couple of million home to get laid. And gawd they are soooo sexy!!!