Ive always thought of these as two separate things. To me, "Cranking" has meant rotating the engine either by hand (with a hand crank) or mechanically with a electronic (or pneumatic etc) starter motor until the engine "Turns Over" or otherwise rotates under and/or continues rotating under its own power.
However I have seen a lot of information that states that they are both essentially interchangeable terms and I don't personally agree with that but anyways,
So, yeah cranking makes sense, not sure about Turning over, lol turning over a new leaf?
The way I remember learning about it as a young kid is, when starting an engine you crank it until it turns over, or fires. ( the memory that comes to mind is my uncle hand crank starting his 1947 Farmall H while describing it)
In terms of diagnostic reasoning saying the engine cranks but will not turn over means the engine spins but doesn't fire. An engine that cranks and turns over but does not run is an engine that spins, fires a couple times/sputters a little , but for some reason does not stay running. I'm trying to find out if there's anyone else out there that learned it that way as people get confused when I use those terms the way I learned them.
And FU BK I'm not that old