I’m looking at creating a memorial page for past totse members who’ve died.
This goes out to any ex totse.com members and even friends and families of these deceased totseans. (Basically anyone who knows shit) I could really use your help in finding out who they were and a pic would be a welcomed bonus. (But not really a necessity)
I realise many of us have chosen different paths since Jeff slammed the temple doors in our faces. I also realise some of us have issues with the other. What I was hoping for is, we could set aside our differences just for this project. Hell! You don’t need to stick around after this. It’s all good. I just need information to get this shit on its way and your help would be invaluable.
We basically know totse was made up of an online culture we’ve learned from, we embraced, made friends and met some pretty fucked up individuals. It was a society of social misfits, intellects, attention whores and even the mentally insecure. The deceased members sacrificed and gave a part of their lives for the culture we shared, and I feel like giving something back, not just for their sake but also for the memory of the temple itself.
I remember there were threads created on various forums such as totse and zoklet but this shit's now history, unless someone captured it then that would be fucking awesome. (I think there was a thread here as well Dfg but I can't find it)
Fuck all so far but here's 2 to kick shit off:
Both fucking awesome dudes.
Yeah he did, IIRC. I will try to track some of them down.
His most important contribution was establishing Pharmaecopia which ran as a board up until about 2007 and in terms of quality is probably up there with Bluelight as a resource for knowledge about drugs.
I really appreciate the help Rorta. Thanks mang.
I got a shit load of PI on the Pharmacist. from date of birth to past phone numbers. Hell! I've even got every piece of info on his.family members such as his sister, mother, father and his foster father who raised him. I scored it `to source a gawdamn pic of him. But do you think I can find one? Hell No! It's almost like the sister is afraid of social media, mum, dad & his foster father are probably to old to be interested in it. & in the true totse spirit he's covered his online privacy quite well.
If anyone can image source from it, PM me. I won't post it here because I don't really wanna disrespect the families right to privacy. Even better if someone can post an pic of him.
TDR is alive
Hardly, That old dudes a member of the roach family. When mankind eventually meets their demise that duderoach will still be crawlin around.
Ya it wasn't that long ago because there were a couple of posts here about it somewhere as well.
Ya! It was his boner that died a long time ago. Anyways, that's what his mother said.
He's proclaimed to be an ordained ULC minister and Native American shaman and if anyone really knew Arms(Greyfox) he was usually a pretty straight up sorta dude. So I doubt he would'a been lying about it. I guess this explains why some of his comments were like cryptic proverbs from an indian bible.
I could do with a better list though.
I'll just have to keep searching.
Oh shit very long story.
Totse 2005-2009 [Got worse each year, no innovation, lost to new websites, became a niche market, got overtaken by trolls and the management were tired]
Zoklet 2009-2015 [ Became a refugee for Totse users, lost a lot of good users, become a cesspoll of hate and idiocy]
Totse 2 2010-2015 [Went through incarnations, didn't really get off, community went up and down. Still has some users but they're dispersed on different communities, totse2 exists no more]
Totse.info -> Totseans.com [Launched in 2011 by Hell (forgot his name), was supposed to be the next totse, after months of effort and recruiting it was off to a good start, lack of foresight and community discipline took it down, people don't want to change or compete. Totse.info was then broken down and totsean.com was created. Lost majority of the users but the core team stayed, following the legacy of Totse and focusing on a well trusted community that is a positive influence in their lives]
And there other small communities but overall, totseans.com is the last surviving one.
RDFRN, his PI got leaked, he should it down.
Then we have intosantuary which had the same issue.
All other clones have PI, CP etc problems and DDoS.
Oh yah! Isn't he rollin under a different handle now after his PI was leaked?
The dead ones don't complain. Dunno about the new handle, he is derping in intosantuary.
Was that his username on totse? If he wasn't an original totse member I'll still add him just because zoklet was basically made up of jeffs rejects.
He wasn't on totse to my knowledge, but he died of an accidental overdose unfortunately.
I'll accept that offer bro....5char
RIP Greyfox
I would say RIP but I wouldn't mean it because once your fucked you're fucked . Will miss reading his hippy ramblings on his blog.....Come to think of it! I think his partner has stopped posting on her blog as well.
PS: what's his blog URL?
Oh ya! Sorry about the retarded response. (Almost a month replying to this!!)
But I still don't believe he's dead. Anyone got proof? An obituary? Until then, I'm not buying it.
Oh yah can you post us the link bro? All the info was on my desktop computer and I've pulled it apart for a rebuild.
Here's the link (to Arms', you can find his wife's through his): http://www.armsmerchant.xanga.com