This isn't a complaint, just noticing something most people at best would find odd but nothing more of it.
The first brought me to research Hand-Shake protocols.
So, You're a guy being introduce to another "bro-friend" joining the pact. So you lock eyes (macho way) then roll eyes off and down and turn head slightly while giving a firm grip then let go and look briefly back at one another before asking what their interest are.
Another (most people know) You're applying for a Job, you lock eyes then smile and firm handshake but not too weak nor overpowering (and ffs, make sure you dried your palms if you're a sweater.)
Those one's I know
So what does it mean, if a person grabs your hand when meeting, follows the same basic rule except twist your hand slightly where the back of your hand slopes down.. My guess, He is trying to Alpha Dog you. but, what if that person does that and then cups a hand under your hand too support it? I looked it up, it means, I feel you're in a bad way, but I'm hear to help
If this person takes the roll of turning the back of your hand up.. he is showing respect to you (and is often suggested to do to the future boss of a Job you like while bowing your head (or a quick nod, in the US or western nations)
If the person does it but cups his hand over while pointing your hand up, he's saying I have something I feel is in common and need your assistance.
Some of the handshakes I read made me laugh.
The grabbing of a ladies 4 fingers but no thumbs, gently and bowing and saying "It's an honor, pleasure, whatever, to meet your acquaintance. which is a bit archaic. Women today, want equal treatment.
Have any of you ever had a weird or awkward situation outside of the normal handshake? These are Western in general.. we all know the bump fist method or the older slap n slide palm from the 70s. but outside of urban style, what weird experience have you experienced.. and it doesn't have to be just a handshake.. like if your' curious of something that seems common but you're not sure if it's esoteric in nature, ask away... I am here to learn as well.
sorry if its a tl:dr
So it was kind of a "I'm going to Mother you in the sickest way possible.." kind of handshake? that's awesome! well.. raped you may want to change to "schooled" unless you really felt you were raped. then it wasn't awesome