Movie Reviews: February Week 1 [2019]

DfgDfg Admin
edited July 2019 in Spurious Generalities
The Possession of Hannah Grace - 1/5, Avoid it, it's full of jump scares and it's just not that great. You will wish you did something better with your time, I was lucky since I didn’t pay for it and used my free movie pass on this. Best decision ever.

The kid who would be king - 3/5 a rather refreshing take on an old tales, good fun but aimed at kids, so give it a pass unless you have kids. However, it is entertaining and light hearted. AND predictable as fuck.

Bumblebee - 4/5 A massive improvement over the Transformer movies, it actually felt like a real movie, good plot, and some decent action. Overall you will like it. And I didn’t the cast this time.

Aquaman - 4/5 Not as great as it could be, but it's still fun, entertaining and dare I say, funny. The fight scenes did not disappoint.

Glass - 1/5 Disappointing, it could have been so much better, Just torrent it.

Solis - 2/5 If you’re into Sci-fi you will enjoy it, but it gets boring and the pacing seems off. Not worth the cinema, just torrent it.

Spiderman Into the Spider verse - 4/5 Definitely worth a watch, hits all the sweet spots. Watch it on big screen.

Movies to look forward to:

Alita: Battle Angel
The Lego Movie 2
How to Train Your Dragon 3
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