Suggestion: Create an alt Twitter account for posting Dfg's RTs

JackJack Regular
edited August 2010 in Help and Suggestions
Dfg has a great idea here, and I'm all for it, but:

1. I don't want to flood my followers, most of whom are IRL friends who don't know or care about Totse
2. I want to follow those of you who are following me but I don't want to get two million rererererereretweets from Dfg every day.

I suggest as a solution that we create alt accounts on Twitter solely for retweeting Dfg's Totse tweets (or for whatever else you don't want under your main account). This also solves the problem, for people such as me, of protected tweets not really helping to promote us in the public timeline.

You do not have to have a lot of followers or really any at all for your alt account to be effective since we're just promoting keywords in the public timeline.

Please consider joining in as I think it will help us develop a closer community without drowning out possible interesting communication with site promotion.


  • JackJack Regular
    edited August 2010
    I meant to suggest that everyone create their own alt account for retweeting your Totse tweets so we don't flood our personal followers and each other with the promotion tweets -- or is that meant to be a shared account?
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited August 2010
    Oh my bad :(.

    I thought you meant... sorry I haven't slept since last night. Anyway, you can create multiple accounts on twitter people. I will use totseinfo as well but I will tweet using Dfg. My account is old [2007] and it's ranked pretty good and it's increasing. Can't change now.
  • DysgraphiaDysgraphia Locked
    edited August 2010
    Isn't this pretty much common sense?

    Who in their right mind would flood their twitter for the sake of totse?

    It'd cause a huge disturbance, and you might lose followers.
  • edited August 2010
    Yeah. I created a new account anyway, I don't use Twitter in the first place.
  • fanglekaifanglekai Regular
    edited August 2010
    I didn't use twitter before this and fanglekai is my totse name, so I don't care about my twitter acct. This sounds like a good idea for people who actually use twitter, though.
  • ImaginariumImaginarium Regular
    edited August 2010
    Yeah, I plan on doing that when I get around to it.
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