lol I'm a horny mother fucker too but it's all about will power & mental control. I'm on several libido enhancing drugs, but you can use that same energy to power many other things, like talking shit on the internet.
Just found this thread, I've just by coincidence not fapped since Wednesday so you can add me to the list. I am making a resolve to not jack it until i find a girl with a nice wet hole to fill to capacity.
Your pictures are not nearly as erotic as pictures of scantily clad teasing chicks.
Yeah I hit the wrong key or wasn't thinking. 8/5 is the start date.
Fucking LOL
I watched that video and was like wtf. Then I realized what thread I was in and was like ZOMG. It was perfect.
No it doesn't.
Don't click on it, copy and paste. It checks for your referrer.
Ah that would be why then.
With you being a Masturbatron, I thought you'd be the first one out
I'm a strong willed Masturbatron.
So in a way I pretty much win.
Out of the contest:
Only half. Your stripshow isn't erotic enough for the other half.
Yeah but it was like a a week maybe even a week and a half before today.
Not that it counts.
I once knew a girl who had a hobby of seducing and "corrupting" priests. Somehow she found it really fun and sexy.
Totse girls should be more like that.
Were the hell did you meet a girl like that. Haha I need to get out more.
Go to church more often
I live in a small town. There is nothing interesting happening at these churches. I must move to bigger city.
Glad I could help
Nudes will help moar.
Yup, I'm done.
I tried to find nude acolytes but it just wasnt working so I found this. Will it do.
You really should send some nudes my way
What the fuck
Your hand. Up your twat. Or GTFO.
Not trying to make it sound like I'm tight or special or anything but that seems extremely painful
I mean... a whole hand??? Geez
It pretty much ruins the appeal of fucking her, actually. If her whole hand fits there, she's probably not going to feel a normal sized cock.
Put me in plz
go ahead and fapp
EDIT: I'll join in if there's a next time. It's kind of unfair for me to have a 3 week head start
This. You guys are some horny motherfuckers I guess.