DAY 1:
I thought it would be nice to have a death watch page where we can wait for the inevitable death of Even the moderators can see the obvious but have too much pride to admit failure and crawl back to Zoklet with their tails between their legs.
Dont worry guys, Zoklet members have a pretty short attention span and in a year or two they won't even remember this place existed!
I admit I had high hopes when I arrived but I have been met with nothing but discrimination and hatred of homosexuality at every turn from the moderators and admins. Where were they when hateful members were spamming pictures of green ogres as replies to all of my thread? Such harrasment was unjust and uncalled for yet the admins did nothing. I wonder if they would allow a straight member to suffer such harrasment where green ogres abound throughout every legitimate discussion?
Both OP and the second user are the same person. This is just.... :facepalm:
So you're automatically some poor victim because you're gay and he called you a faggot? get over yourself
As for Big Bear, he sounds like some fag from a porn movie. Wipe the cum from your moustache and repeat yourself.
I defend the Temple with tooth and sword, fuckers.
They're both the same users
Big Bear +POZ+
Wires dead baby
Haters gonna hate
viva la!
I like my &T troll/faggot free.
I lol'ed hard. Thanks for that.