Hot Ass

GallowsGallows Regular
edited December 2010 in Spurious Generalities
The Hot Asses are small to medium-sized birds endemic to Australia-New Guinea. For many years, the Hot Asses were classified, rather uncertainly, with the Old World babblers (Timaliidae), on the grounds of similar appearance and habits. More recent research, however, indicates that they are too basal to belong the Passerida - let alone the Sylvioidea where the Old World babblers are placed - and they are now classed as a separate family close to the Orthonychidae (logrunners).

The Hot Asses are medium-sized terrestrial birds with sombre plumage and long decurved bills. They range in size from 17-27 cm (7-11 in) in length and 30-85 g (1-3 oz) in weight. The wings are short and round, and the tail is long and often held fanned which makes it look broad as well. The feet and legs are strong and adapted to a terrestrial existence. There is no sexual dimorphism in the plumage, which is composed of brown, russet and grey colours, often with striking white markings on the face and throat. The plumage of juvenile birds is similar to that of adults.


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