Sam Adams makes a beer called Imperial White. It's their take on the Belgian Witbeir, which is a nearly hopless, almost entirely wheat beer flavored with spices. Don't buy it unless you love weird tasting beer. Buy yourself a nice pilsner instead.
So my computer teacher's going to use Windows 2000 next class to demonstrate some sharing capabilities of Linux. WTF? You can hack Windows 2000 with autopwn in metasploit. It doesn't even have a built in firewall. Also, earlier I was explaining the PSN network hackers to someone and they replied "what's linux?" WHAT THHE HELLL????? LLLLAWWWLLLLLLLLLL VIIBRATING.......i'm gunna grab another beer. I'm not even that drunk, but I'm drunk enough if you know what i mean.
Congrats you are an alcoholic. bump for this weekend.
This shit is fanstastic:
Sam Adams makes a beer called Imperial White. It's their take on the Belgian Witbeir, which is a nearly hopless, almost entirely wheat beer flavored with spices. Don't buy it unless you love weird tasting beer. Buy yourself a nice pilsner instead.
god i love them
i love all yous peeps
a tilt/joose/211 fuck off faggots
Edit: Shitty Blackberry for comparison. My webcam sucks more than a Dyson. Also watching "Slackers"...makes me think of &T back in the day
CEEPHAX ACID CREW (look him up)! RTORRENT! swim would like to grow mushrooms soon.
that's all i would like to say. thank you.
just maybe you might make some fucking sense.
WTF is Linux?
and bump cause im feeling something I dont know what
maybe one more beer and i'll feel it
Drastic reevaluation of life this evening.
Sorry to be so serious.
Killed a bottle of Sailor Jerry's, now about to start on some vodka.
P.S. Re-reading and editing this for typos was a bitch.
whatcha gonna do?
first time i'cve had bbeer in a wwek yeeeeehhhh but still i'm a spitits p[erson
Don't take the pill.
I drank lots of beer, and then I had dreams of drinking lots of beer.