Here's my favourite explosion on YouTube. To my knowledge, the largest charge ever detonated by an amateur. I don't think anything else even comes close.
AnonymousUploads was my hero. His ETN production method was fucking epic. 600g batches in 4 gallon kitchen sink tubs. 3L of sulfuric and 2kg of AN to nitrate a pound of Erythritol at a time. Oh yes, that is win.
He told me the ratio of the components used in that blast a LONG time ago, but I have since lost the notes. I believe it was a whole fuckload of a thermobaric ratio of ANFO, ANNM, and Al powder, the total mass being around 150kg, boosted by nearly a kilogram of ETN.
I'm going to start writing guides next week when I have a week off from class. I'll definitely cover nitric acid esters like ETN, PETN, and NG, and maybe some of the basics of nitramines, though I have less experience with those.
Here's a video of 250g ANNM blasting down a tree. I have a gallon of nitromethane on its way to Canuckistan, so I'll be detonating some similar charges in the next couple months.
I threw together a new video today for my YouTube channel. It's basically a compilation of a bunch of stuff I've done over the past couple years with HE, flash powder, and homemade cannons.
Wow, when I registered here, I didn't expect to see one of my videos in the first thread I opened.
Here's some more of the explosions I've filmed.
AnonymousUploads was my hero. His ETN production method was fucking epic. 600g batches in 4 gallon kitchen sink tubs. 3L of sulfuric and 2kg of AN to nitrate a pound of Erythritol at a time. Oh yes, that is win.
You should also write a guide on making ETN.
I'm going to start writing guides next week when I have a week off from class. I'll definitely cover nitric acid esters like ETN, PETN, and NG, and maybe some of the basics of nitramines, though I have less experience with those.
Someone also re-up'd my FAE attempt.
I've always loved the crazy atmospheric effects caused my air burst nuclear testing. Some of my favorite examples are at :52 and 3:00 of this video.
Here's a video of 250g ANNM blasting down a tree. I have a gallon of nitromethane on its way to Canuckistan, so I'll be detonating some similar charges in the next couple months.
Filmed back in April. Stood too close and lost my hearing for a bit, even though I was wearing ear defenders. :eek: