Aight guys chance of a lifetime here, no bullshit planing a trip to Amsterdam. Gonna take the hd cam corder and make an Ultimate Stoners guide to the city. anyone who donates will get a copy of the DVD and some cool "Stuff" from Amsterdam.
ALSO Donate 10 Bux and you get pmed boob pics of my girl
click and donate niggas
Also if anyone can tweet this and get more traffic to my chip in id be really appreciative. I will be making dvds for everyone who donates
shell make a personal porn for anyone who donates 500 bucks, and the tape is gonna befull of good times, weed cafes the girls of the redlight district my stoned antics, me most likely getting arrested
serious stoners are serious
and thanks for that
we are going to make it a project think of it as Two people go to stoner Mecca. If anyone wants to help w promo ideas pm me
This new arrival is win
and to this i offer
soon as peeps donate ill post more pics got over 200 from that one night at the beach
ill get her to take a pic w my user name on some paper in the am
pony up some cash homies plane tickets dont buy themdelves
what do you think we are gonna spend the cash on once we get there? gonna be a hella good time
no put i need to, is it has hard to post on as /b/?
hell yes homie, gotta work on promoting this some more, I cant wait to go over there
Edit - I say this because 420chan hates personal info, and by donationg through PayPal, you are disclosing info as you can look at who the money came from. I spent a good hour in their IRC channel and they even hate file transfer on it, as you can get the IP and ISP from the connection. They are so paranoid it verges on the unreal. I would steer clear of 420chan.
go eat a dick