What would you consider to be the best way in which to partake in the smoking of cannabis? Personally I've only ever smoked a joint and a pipe, with the pipe being my favorite method. I am yet to try a vape or a bong, but I was just wondering what Totse liked best?
Pipe was great though, I got a waaaaay better hit, the weed didn't burn too fast and I found it hard to really work out how much weed I was actually smoking through the joint - a lot of smoke was being wasted.
So, what's the BEST way of smoking?
Pretty much the only thing that beats a bong, is eating...you get like a 1/4 ounce and mix it with something high in fat, cook it, haha and boyy you'll be good for the day.
I like using ice and water because it cools the smoke down more and allows a bigger hit that isn't as harsh.
I use just water.
If I had the opportunity to use ice (As I will with my next bong that's on it's way in the post), I'm not sure if I would due to the inconvenience of having to empty the extra water/ice out.
Instead of ice, I stick my bong in the fridge. :thumbsup:
But it's not simple enough to just say "bong." My personal favorite/criteria is a bong that is glass on glass in all respects, and has at least two possibly three percolators with all of them being diffused heavily. It's good to have an external percolator of some sort. If the bong can hold ice, that is even better.
The best hit occurs for me when:
The external percolator is filled with clean hot water (as hot as the sink can make it).
The main chamber is filled with cold water (as cold as the sink can make it).
and the ice catcher, if present is filled to the brim with crushed ice.
All downstems, percolators and the like should be diffused a minimum of four times.
And the water should be changed after every bowl.
Get fucked fast? Shotties.
Sustained, more subliminal body stone? Eat.
Quick hit? Spliff or pipe.
Got time and the money? Vapourise.
It's a kinda, I'm not sure how to exactly describe it, but more "back of your mind" stone where you aren't as fucked as smoking it, but you can kinda turn the intoxication off when you need to. Like I can eat some cannabutter on toast before a lecture and still pay attention but get the feeling I'm floating lol.
Depending on how much you eat, of course...too much and you're cunted
Yeah thats how I feel. I have a bong with an ice catcher and an ash catcher and I rarely use the ice catcher. Bongs in general get very dirty and require weekly maintenance if you smoke regularly, however I prefer to smoke bongs when by myself or with another person.
but for real all methods are great if done right. im an expert joint artist and a five star blunt chef. You can fuckin do anything with a joint if you have the experience. I'm gonna write a joint guide to blow your fuckin minds. Seriously you can go any direction you want, efficiency, artistic, speed, partys, personal style, the two man killa. You just gotta break up your bud in certain ways, roll with the proper materials, properly assess the situation, roll in certain styles and methods, and you can live off joints no matter what your budget is. People talk a lot about the waste of joints but if done right you use just as much as if you got a pipe goin. Also you have to properly smoke that shit ffs.
Pipes are the same way. I have about 8 pipes and they are all fuckin beasts. Purchasing pipes is apparently an art as well. Dear god the pipes I have seen niggas buy. Its just fuckin sad. You don't have to sacrifice shit either, like if you are trying to get something with eye appeal or trying to spend a certain amount. Dear god the fucking pipes ive seen people buy trying to buy something low cost. I have one pipe that cost 12 dollars. Its made out of jade, its indestructible, it has a cylindrical bowl therefore the most bowl capacity for a smaller pipe. I have one pipe for 25 dollars which is what most people spend on these pieces of shit they carry around and its a fuckin beast. You gotta keep an eye out for certain features and shit.
Bongs - if you arent an idiot you probably cant go wrong, and if you really arent an idiot you can get a stone cold killa masterpiece with ease.
and dont fuckin forget steamrollers and dont get one with a huge diameter
vaporizers is a whole nother ballpark.
So the actual answer I am trying to convey is:
The best way to smoke cannabis is to smoke it properly.
I am gonna start on a guide to properly utilize pipes and rolling and when I get back from vacation I'll get pics of my shit.
This darthvineman motherfucker has a sick ass bong collection idk whats up with this bubbler bullshit he is postin.
I mean, now that I think of it, every way to smoke weed is the best way. As long as you've got some green burning you're good to go.
I've only eaten weed once. We made some brownies with this haze my friend had. I was too high (if ever there were such a thing) for too long. I underestimated the intensity. The only way I can describe it is to quote Katt Williams... "...you mean I'ma hit this and die? Nigga I got shit to do today...".
I also smoke a lot of blunts because I live in a house of niggas.
The best way to smoke can be gauged in many ways.
You want the long stem for the extra space to cool the smoke. You can use anything, but most bowls people get are too small, just too small to cool any large amount of smoke fast enough.
So if you stick with a bubbler/bowl, you'll want something almost like a steamroller, so that every hit can be sufficiently cooled and spiraled around a chamber to get rid of some of the tar.
The water helps a lot, there are reports that the water actually allows you to take more smoke, in a bong or bubbler, than normal, and that that is bad for your lungs.
But I think when you take 2 big rips, rather than 20 one hitters, you are saving your lungs. In my own opinion.
One hitters are very efficient, although you will get used to them, bored of them, and your tolerance will build until you need many to feel the same effects. They are very stealth and portable though.
Joints are nearly the best, if not the best. With a properly rolled joint you can inhale as much smoke as you please, because it will be loose enough to take air in that fast, but not so loose that it burns in a giant fireball. They are portable, and they are direct and the marijuana literally filters itself somewhat, and there is less tar.
As far as bongs, roors or other nicer bongs, like illadelph or pur. Apparently the hurricanes are nice, as they spin the smoke around the inside of the glass which is covered in tiny pores which filter the tar. But they are expensive, more so than a nice roor.
You can get a lil sista roor, not too thick but won't break easily, a diffuser, and an off brand ash catcher (fuck 80 dollars), with a small diffuser in that if you wanted (it will clog though). The roor will have a nice beaker bottom chamber for the smoke to gather and spiral efficiently, and hold enough smoke to get the job done. The smoke will transfer through the chamber into the neck very easily because of the efficiency of the design.
The diffuser and ash catcher will clean the smoke, cool, the smoke, and clean out most ash and immediate tar.
Then the smoke travels through the diffuser in the base, and goes through the process again.
You can run a few miles a day and hit these and your lungs won't suffer as long as you respect. It hits so clean you can bleed your lungs out by taking massive hits repeatedly .
So yea, find the balance with what works for you, but think about your lungs and the efficiency and the time and space.
Basically, if it's natural, IE: LEGAL, it would be growing in forests around here all year because people would grow so much during the summer, that they will all hyper-evolve into a year round, space traveling, sea-faring bud species that can speak dutch and ride bicycles...
Really, it would mean we could smoke joint after joint, or whatever we wanted without having to worry, and that that was how it was intended. People were not intended to go, "oh, no I have to save this", there is literally grass growing everywhere, and everywhere you see grass growing, there could be big bud plants.
So basically, it's a gimmick, but with the given parameters there's enough information in this post alone to let you know how to make the most efficient use of your time and energy and have fun.
I hope it's not the real ate.
Epic triple post! And fuckin' lol at "live in a house of niggas". My favorite way to smoke is a small water bong. Vapes are amazing but I get too high, because I'm a newfag. Big bombs are nice but they're hard to stash and way too breakable.
Burn evenly.
Easy to carry.
Easy on lungs.
Good mellow, long lasting high.
Easier to handle.
There's a reason why veteran pot smokers smoke 90% joints.
Eating is the way to go if you have time and space to work with