We've established that Dysgraphia is a beaner queer with a little bit of a crush on me and has a fantasy for 2 racists to have gay sex with each other. Seriously, this guy brought his attention seeking to zoklet in a thread I replied in. You can't get much more desperate for attention than that. And no I will not send him any gay porn. Pathetic attempt at getting any, on his part. What a twisted little bitch he is.
I love how liberals lump every racist into the same category of thought:facepalm: Dysgraphia should I assume you and Gary oak as well as JUA have orgy's all night since you're anti racists? Come on now.
We can assume that they'd sooner suck a nigger robber's dick "to get out of trouble", rather than defend or live to fight another day and toss the wallet over to them, if that situation ever came up.
In 2006, black men accounted for two-thirds of new infections (65%) among all blacks. The rate of new HIV infection for black men was 6 times as high as that of white men, nearly 3 times that of Hispanic/Latino men, and twice that of black women.
In 2006, the rate of new HIV infection for black women was nearly 15 times as high as that of white women and nearly 4 times that of Hispanic/Latina women.
Estimated Rates of New HIV Infections,
by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, 2006
African Americans comprised approximately 6 percent of the population in CA, but represented
about 23 percent of chlamydia cases and 40 percent of gonorrhea cases in CA.
• African American chlamydia rates were approximately 8 times higher than those of non-Latino whites.
• African American gonorrhea rates were almost 12 times higher than those of non-Latino whites.
• African Americans had more cases of AIDS and syphilis, which affect predominately gay men and
other men who have sex with men, than would be expected, based on their population size.
• These disparities are evident throughout most of the state, regardless of geographical location.
And stop the gay porn. Srsly.
And stop the gay porn. Srsly.
Why are you so obsessed with my cock bro? U gay:thumbsdown:
Estimated Rates of New HIV Infections,
by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, 2006
If you're going to fuck a nigger you better get an aids test.
Cool story
Never any for me, yer monkey spunker.
You're boring and no one believes you so give it up, try trolling someone else.
Failure of a troll is a failure.