^ I agree with this. I stuck around because I invested too much but back in July I saw what was coming. Join here people and help us make something better.
Good post Spectral.:thumbsup: I just hope if people come this time they stick around. I remember a lot of the people who first came here were all about making this place great but only for about a week before returning to zoklet. It pissed me off.
Zoklet let me down big time. I was always a big fan of Zok in the old school Totse days but that forum went to shit real fast. Its literally for 12 year olds.
When I first came to zoklet, I knew it would not be totse but still expected something decent, and I truly wanted zoklet to grow and succeed. I still remember the first time anyone was banned for talking about wires, it happened in HB, a little over one year ago. There was no uproar, and nobody except a few members seemed to care enough to do anything. Those that cared enough to complain were looked down upon and mocked, for actually being concerned about their fellow member. It was clear what such actions would lead to, and now more than one year later everything has gone downhill as expected. I have not been able to post on zoklet since then, with the same feeling that I came with.
Weeks ahead of you -Spec - the only reason I go there now is to check PM's and delete posts I made. I have nigh on 3K of the fuckers to get through.
DFG, what do you think of making a 'lost in the woods' type thread where we can paste in some of our things that would not fit as stand alone threads or fit into other threads. I have maybe 20-30 posts that should not be deleted from the internet but would be nothing more than one post threads due to context, but would still like the peoples of the internets to be able to find them without them substancially modified.
Weeks ahead of you -Spec - the only reason I go there now is to check PM's and delete posts I made. I have nigh on 3K of the fuckers to get through.
DFG, what do you think of making a 'lost in the woods' type thread where we can paste in some of our things that would not fit as stand alone threads or fit into other threads. I have maybe 20-30 posts that should not be deleted from the internet but would be nothing more than one post threads due to context, but would still like the peoples of the internets to be able to find them without them substancially modified.
Actually, the entire time you've been here I've been seething that they didn't make amends for the way they threw all your hard-worked in the street like garbage, and I've been seething with anger and disappointment the entire time that they've continued to treat Totse community's best members as if they were trash. There wasn't a day that went by when I didn't think of you toiling over here by yourself, and there wasn't a day that went by when I didn't think of Metaphysicist... jackketch, AngryFemme, MandatorySuicide... all the people who made Totse great... out there somewhere... trying to piece things back together as best they can.
Believe me when I say I stayed at Zoklet to try and bring all that back... to get the old clan together again in the end... but it's been now proven beyond all doubt that this will NEVER happen there. It may happen here, but NEVER there... not in a year... not in 10 years.... not in a million years. And that's because the owners of Zoklet have no respect at all for the contributors who make community great, and all they know how to do is cow-tow to the majority of useless wastes of space, too spineless to make any decisions worth noticing, always the followers and never the leaders.
Don't give up. The reasoned I moved away was to help build this place so users can come here. I will get Mandy and Meta and other old timers back. It will take some time but they will be back here.
Don't give up. The reasoned I moved away was to help build this place so users can come here. I will get Mandy and Meta and other old timers back. It will take some time but they will be back here.
As stupid as it sounds, zoklet was an unpopulated rock in the ocean that we refugees hoped we could cling to and have it like the old country.
That never happened.
This place however, is like a seed planted in the soil that can be left to grow into something good. The way I see it, it is like having children. Your progeny is retarded - that is the way it will stay. Those born fair and true who are allowed the sunlight to shine upon them grow strieght and tall.
I thought Zoklet was thriving at some point. I've posted some gibberish here and there but the abuse is absurd.
I've gotten infracted this week for the stupidest things. I've had several posts deleted from Shadylady and she has the audacity to deny it. Even though I have screenshots of my post disappearing several seconds after it's been posted. But nooo, she claims they were "unapproved" and are only visible to mods. That explains me seeing it, logged on and logged off?
Enough of my ranting. The only decent thing in that shithole is the tech. forum.
It went downhill when nearly a year to the day of it becoming a home for refugees of Totse.com everything seemed on repeat. The threads, posts, topics, back and forthes, etc. Like Dfg the only reason I stuck around was because of the time invested and sheer boredom. I never got anything useful from the place other than the satisfaction of pissing little peons off and posting CP with near immunity.
The topic was so heavily derailed that the fucktard infracted me twice for being "off-topic." I don't see how it may have been a mistake, unless she overlooked 10 posts...
I still posted there because of the large userbase.
however, it seems like the user base there is getting more and more immature. then again, this place has its moments too, but i really doubt you can hide from it. Im thinking about permanently making this place my home and seeing if my cult followers make the switch too.
I still posted there because of the large userbase.
however, it seems like the user base there is getting more and more immature. then again, this place has its moments too, but i really doubt you can hide from it. Im thinking about permanently making this place my home and seeing if my cult followers make the switch too.
I still posted there because of the large userbase.
however, it seems like the user base there is getting more and more immature. then again, this place has its moments too, but i really doubt you can hide from it. Im thinking about permanently making this place my home and seeing if my cult followers make the switch too.
I'm hoping DaGuru will make at least a cameo appearance here. After all, he was absolutely bang-on about everything the entire time, and he deserves better than he's gotten in all this. He has a wealth of knowledge and life-intuition to share, and that's what Totse is all about.
Meh I stopped bothering posting there a while back. I log in there every now and then, open a thread to see if it's getting any better, then x it out when the first thread I click is the same old shit. Then again I don't really post anywhere very much nowadays, though I'll try posting on here some more.
I'd really like to see this place turned really professional in terms of content, whilst still retaining the awesome community spirit. Then people would be attracted by the content, and stay for the community.
DaGuru used to post solid advice in S&A, but he did get into a lot of arguments even back in the day. I used to enjoy his posts for the most part. Hopefully he'll start posting here and contributing like he used to.
Since I had no control of the policies here, I was forced into watching them very closely from afar before investing anything into them, and so far I'm pretty impressed with the outcome. Good work, man.
I'm happy to see you here, but nevertheless I do think it's important to say that if so far you like the outcome of our policies here, I would highly suggest you do not involve yourself with them on any kind of familiar basis. Things have stayed so relaxed and smooth here because not everyone is griping over the rules. Yes, the zoklet administration killed zoklet, but so did the endless bitching about policy. I'm just as guilty as you are, and that's why I tried to do things different here. If you really want to see this site succeed, then contribute and help us make it better. If you came here to bitch about zoklet endlessly, you're in for a disappointment. I mean that in the friendliest way possible. I'd love to see the old clan reunited and totse reborn, but it's not gonna happen if we all sit around and bitch about policy.
Meh I stopped bothering posting there a while back. I log in there every now and then, open a thread to see if it's getting any better, then x it out when the first thread I click is the same old shit. Then again I don't really post anywhere very much nowadays, though I'll try posting on here some more.
When &t originally shut down, I made my way over to zoklet alongside the majority of the userbase. At first I was not partial to the idea of a direct mirror/clone of totse as I felt that any attempts to replicate it would ultimately be futile. I spent about a year on zoklet as a serious contributor making what I felt to be relatively quality threads and posts without receiving anything in return.
About half a year in, I noticed the dwindling overall quality of content within the site and as the management more clearly exposed themselves as an incompetent elitist charade. I took a break from posting, although eventually made my way back as I was unable to find an alternate substitute. Upon my return I found that most progression and contributions had ceased and the primary content consisted of circular tirades bitching about the overall quality of the site/userbase/management. I suppose that I stayed with zoklet for as long as I did as they have a larger userbase and I attributed most shortcomings to the generation of any relatively new site.
I finally made the jump over to &t.info after reading DFG's post in Generally Speaking, communicating that he was washing his hands of zoklet once and for all.
Upon my registration here, I was immediately aware of a feeling that I had almost forgotten, which I attribute to the capture of &t's essence rather than simply being produced by a "nostalgia" theme or similar title. Despite having few members, I feel that this site is primarily user generated, and that the moderators do not try to separate themselves above the members, denying that they are similarly users and contributors. I can feel the sense of community within this site and that we as users will actually be considered and can directly effect the direction in which &t goes.
The most common complaint that I have heard over on zoklet is that we have a small community. Despite the truth in that statement I know that this community is growing and actually has potential.
Besides, how can I have any faith in a team of moderators who tries to fix every problem with the addition of more smilies without adding :fap:
So I wanted to thank all of the members who have remained despite doubts and have continuously contributed for which I will try to reciprocate with my efforts. I feel no loss in starting over, as I feel that I will finally be part of a path that is not predestined toward a doomed future.
If I need somebody to hold my hand and spell things out for me, I'll be sure to call on you, poast. You're so wise and intelligent that I would be a fool not to. Know what I mean, jelly bean?
Yeah, I know what you mean, and yes, you would would be fool to not take my advice when I say "Part of why zoklet failed is because people like us never stopped bitching about semantics long enough to actually contribute." I'm glad we understand each other!
Yeah, I know what you mean, and yes, you would would be fool to not take my advice when I say "Part of why zoklet failed is because people like us never stopped bitching about semantics long enough to actually contribute." I'm glad we understand each other!
I think that zoklet brought out the worst in us. For some like -SpectraL and DaGuru, totse politics is normal, but on zoklet there were other people getting involved, that never discussed site politics on totse.
Ya, but my position is that bitching is GOOD! If there's something to bitch about, then maybe there is CAUSE to bitch! If nobody is bitching, maybe that means there ain't nothing to bitch about! I feel that bitching is a natural and healthy thing, and it usually exposes the bad and the corrupt. Either the person bitching is going to come out looking like an idiot when the facts present themselves, or the person bitching is going to have a genuine case for concern behind them. Without that avenue/option to bitch, there in place and available, there can be no exposing of corruption, and no exposing of stupidity. Bitching reveals things for or against, and invites an environment of transparency. Now, I'm not saying shitheads should sit there and whine like a fucking dipfuck, but if somebody is bitching maybe there's a damned good reason they are bitching! For example, if the administration is doing the "right thing", there should be no reason to bitch, so they have nothing to worry about if somebody does bitch; the bitcher will be exposed for an idiot and that would be that. Bottom line is, bitching is healthy and a necessity for true progress and true growth.
I want people to bitch so I know what to fix . Bitching is a form of feedback IMO.
Totse has spirit, character and personality - in fact it's probably one of the only places on the internet which I have visited and enjoyed just because of the type of people who are on here. You don't see pages of shit posted every few minutes, nor do you see nazi admins shoving a bunch of stupid rules up your ass to make sure that you "don't spam or u will be bannd". Totse is the most unique and entertaining place I have ever been a part of, and I'm certain that this spirit will probably stick with me for a long time.
It's amusing that Zoklet changed their headstone epitaph from "I Banned TDR and Zos Banned DaGuru! Zoklet officially stopped sucking today" to "The TDR/DaGuru Thread". Just goes to give a bit more insight into the minds of these cowards. They come on all strong with the brave "I-ain't-afraid-of-nuthin'", but then after the chips fall they cave in like a loaf of bread with spoiled yeast in it. If it wasn't so laughable it'd be sad.
Why do you still post there? We should just quietly DDoS the site every now and then to cut down membership and worsen the Zoklet experience.
Nah... I wouldn't DOS it. There's still some senior Totse members there that we would want to "win over", so muddying their current tidal pool is not gonna do much more than piss them off. The point should not be to piss them off, but to woo and wane them into waking up to smell the coffee of the nice bulletin board we got going over here. You catch more power-posters with woo's than you do with moo's, at least that's what meh Pappy alays tole meh. Why did I post there in that thread? Because there was still closure there to be settled. I don't leave things unsettled. My Pappy raised me right.
If they can't tell that Zoklet sucks now, will they ever?
Yes, my last 1,000 or so posts in zoklet have probably been meaningless one liners, UMAD? or 'lulz' out of sheer habit and boredom. It's pretty much futile to make a meaningful post or write random stuff that comes to mind in the Book Nook because nobody will see it and if someone comments on it it's probably something in the lines of "tldr".
From my point of view everyone is guilty of the truckload of fail that is zoklet. For one, it's just a little vip website for zok and his buttfuck buddies, and secondly bitching and bitching about it all day long never changed a thing over the last year.
I wish more people, old schoolers and people whom I can read their posts and say "damn, stop on" would continue to come here. I guess time will tell.
Like I said before people need to stick around. When I first came here everyone was trying to make this place good but then left in a matter of weeks. Websites don't make themselves you know. The original totse did not become huge in the first couple months.
Looks like this place is more active than I remember it being (I came over here to see this thread specifically, ironically). With that said, you'll see me here more often :thumbsup:
Looks like this place is more active than I remember it being (I came over here to see this thread specifically, ironically). With that said, you'll see me here more often :thumbsup:
Looks like this place is more active than I remember it being (I came over here to see this thread specifically, ironically). With that said, you'll see me here more often :thumbsup:
Looks like this place is more active than I remember it being (I came over here to see this thread specifically, ironically). With that said, you'll see me here more often :thumbsup:
I will recommend you cigars and whiskey. Welcome to totse.
NOTICE: If Zok, zos, Vladie, 5.56 or wires lands even a foot here, High Command must be alerted at once. You are now being returned to your regularly scheduled programming.
5.56 is already spewing his call of duty gun knowledge in W&C:facepalm: Declaring the Mosin to be a shitty gun and saying the M1911 is unsuited for self defense.
Of course, I am not much of a contributor anyway.
DFG, what do you think of making a 'lost in the woods' type thread where we can paste in some of our things that would not fit as stand alone threads or fit into other threads. I have maybe 20-30 posts that should not be deleted from the internet but would be nothing more than one post threads due to context, but would still like the peoples of the internets to be able to find them without them substancially modified.
Dude, feel free to make it
Don't give up. The reasoned I moved away was to help build this place so users can come here. I will get Mandy and Meta and other old timers back. It will take some time but they will be back here.
As stupid as it sounds, zoklet was an unpopulated rock in the ocean that we refugees hoped we could cling to and have it like the old country.
That never happened.
This place however, is like a seed planted in the soil that can be left to grow into something good. The way I see it, it is like having children. Your progeny is retarded - that is the way it will stay. Those born fair and true who are allowed the sunlight to shine upon them grow strieght and tall.
Wtf is this place for, anyway?
I've gotten infracted this week for the stupidest things. I've had several posts deleted from Shadylady and she has the audacity to deny it. Even though I have screenshots of my post disappearing several seconds after it's been posted. But nooo, she claims they were "unapproved" and are only visible to mods. That explains me seeing it, logged on and logged off?
Enough of my ranting. The only decent thing in that shithole is the tech. forum.
The topic was so heavily derailed that the fucktard infracted me twice for being "off-topic." I don't see how it may have been a mistake, unless she overlooked 10 posts...
however, it seems like the user base there is getting more and more immature. then again, this place has its moments too, but i really doubt you can hide from it. Im thinking about permanently making this place my home and seeing if my cult followers make the switch too.
do it
*loads shotgun*
shut up spectral
I'm happy to see you here, but nevertheless I do think it's important to say that if so far you like the outcome of our policies here, I would highly suggest you do not involve yourself with them on any kind of familiar basis. Things have stayed so relaxed and smooth here because not everyone is griping over the rules. Yes, the zoklet administration killed zoklet, but so did the endless bitching about policy. I'm just as guilty as you are, and that's why I tried to do things different here. If you really want to see this site succeed, then contribute and help us make it better. If you came here to bitch about zoklet endlessly, you're in for a disappointment. I mean that in the friendliest way possible. I'd love to see the old clan reunited and totse reborn, but it's not gonna happen if we all sit around and bitch about policy.
It's good to know you haven't given up.
About half a year in, I noticed the dwindling overall quality of content within the site and as the management more clearly exposed themselves as an incompetent elitist charade. I took a break from posting, although eventually made my way back as I was unable to find an alternate substitute. Upon my return I found that most progression and contributions had ceased and the primary content consisted of circular tirades bitching about the overall quality of the site/userbase/management. I suppose that I stayed with zoklet for as long as I did as they have a larger userbase and I attributed most shortcomings to the generation of any relatively new site.
I finally made the jump over to &t.info after reading DFG's post in Generally Speaking, communicating that he was washing his hands of zoklet once and for all.
Upon my registration here, I was immediately aware of a feeling that I had almost forgotten, which I attribute to the capture of &t's essence rather than simply being produced by a "nostalgia" theme or similar title. Despite having few members, I feel that this site is primarily user generated, and that the moderators do not try to separate themselves above the members, denying that they are similarly users and contributors. I can feel the sense of community within this site and that we as users will actually be considered and can directly effect the direction in which &t goes.
The most common complaint that I have heard over on zoklet is that we have a small community. Despite the truth in that statement I know that this community is growing and actually has potential.
So I wanted to thank all of the members who have remained despite doubts and have continuously contributed for which I will try to reciprocate with my efforts. I feel no loss in starting over, as I feel that I will finally be part of a path that is not predestined toward a doomed future.
Yeah, I know what you mean, and yes, you would would be fool to not take my advice when I say "Part of why zoklet failed is because people like us never stopped bitching about semantics long enough to actually contribute." I'm glad we understand each other!
I think that zoklet brought out the worst in us. For some like -SpectraL and DaGuru, totse politics is normal, but on zoklet there were other people getting involved, that never discussed site politics on totse.
I want people to bitch so I know what to fix
Totse FTW!
Why do you still post there? We should just quietly DDoS the site every now and then to cut down membership and worsen the Zoklet experience.
If they can't tell that Zoklet sucks now, will they ever?
From my point of view everyone is guilty of the truckload of fail that is zoklet. For one, it's just a little vip website for zok and his buttfuck buddies, and secondly bitching and bitching about it all day long never changed a thing over the last year.
I wish more people, old schoolers and people whom I can read their posts and say "damn, stop on" would continue to come here. I guess time will tell.
Awesome:thumbsup: Welcome to totse.
welcome :thumbsup:
Yeah you say that now...
I totally agree!
5.56 is already spewing his call of duty gun knowledge in W&C:facepalm: Declaring the Mosin to be a shitty gun and saying the M1911 is unsuited for self defense.