I'm meeting mine today. We dated for about a year and she (at the time) made me so damn fearful of life. Cheated on me a whole bunch, too. I think some ToTSEans know of her, actually - in that I used to talk about her a lot on here.
So I met her a few months back and things went really well, and after managing to hold out and not give into her sexual desires we agreed to meet up again in a mutual place.
So anyone else get on or hate their ex-partners? Needless to say this relationship at my tender age of 17/18 was enough to put me off relationships for almost 3 years. Get in! :hai: :fap:
Most of my relationships have been in the 2-5 year category, and when I'm done with the crap that comes along with something I put that much effort into going to shit, I close the book and move on. I have no doubt that people can stay friends after a long relationship ends, but not me. A few familiar words or even a smell of her signature perfume and my mind would start opening boxes long sealed.
"compartmentalization and liquor, stow it, and then forget where you put it"
The previous ex has been revising and editing essays and papers for me for about three years now (we broke up four years ago). She is married and lives in Vietnam and we tend to have good laughs when we talk.
I remember tapping that shit though.
Lol sounds exactly like my first girlfriend (the girl I lost it to) but I attribute that to the valium.
Today went pretty well actually. Joked about sex but she didn't seem up for it and I asked why she suddenly stopped cheating on guys (bit of a test).
But yeah, good day. Then went and played with guns on an army base after
I go to her house for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
She's an awesome girl.
But the best story I have bumping into an ex goes like this....
Back when I was drinking more, hitting the bars....me and a bud went bar hopping most of the afternoon and evening. We go back to our "regular" bar, I'm already hammered/stone out of my mind, the place is packed....and I put my name on the chalkboard for my luck at some pool. Soon I realize my name is a few away, and there's this blonde girl kicking every guy's ass on the table....not a bad shot, little saucy too.
Finally I'm up...the girl is still winning, and we start playing. Then I finally get a GOOD look at her, and realize its one of my exes.....this absolute toxic bitch (got millions of stories about her, total taker/whore)....but she dyed her hair blonde and put on at least a good 40-50 pounds. Obviously she knew it was me the minute I walked up to the table, yet she didn't mutter a peep about anything.
So once it hits me who she is, of course I run my mouth...."Ya know why you ain't gonna beat me in this game, darling?"
"Why's that?" She snarls back at me
"Cuz you couldn't beat me as a brunette, and you sure as fuck ain't gonna beat me as a blonde" *mocking chuckles*
She seethed something back at me...I think a "we'll see" or something similar. A couple minutes later I DID dispatch of the whore like aways, and she stormed off in disgust back to a table filled with a few bikers. At that point I was thinking she'll start even more shit and I might get into a scrap, but minutes after that they all left and went on their way.
Pretty fuckin drunk when it takes you several minutes of pool shooting to realize this was a broad you used to stick your dick in....huh? :rolleyes:
I mean you can talk about this, that, when you occasionally see her here, there, but maintaining civil contact or a small level of intimacy is as far as it should go, unless for a few very exceptional scenarios.