The past couple days have been shit. I've been drinking even more heavily than usual since xmas, and now the withdrawal is shit. I don't wanna just keep drinking because it will be even worse than it already is. I've been drinking just the minimum amount to control my symptoms, but They're still coming on strong about 4 hours after I stop.
I was flipping shit earlier because I only had half a beer left and it did nothing, but luckily I got a bottle of rum from my my moms bf (I've been away from home and came here because theres less alcohol, which I now believe to be a mistake). I made a large mixed drink but he could take the bottle back at any time. I said I was sick, but I didnt saw how sick I was, so I dont think they know....
tl;dr how do I effectively wean myself off booze? I'm not gonna stop completely, but I'm definately drinking less after this...
Disulfiram is a drug that helps produce an aversion to alcohol, and naloxone reduces the pleasure received from drinking. For the withdrawal, acamprosate can help reduce the effects. Of course, avoid having to use drugs to help, but if you think they would help greatly, ask your doctor about them.
I mean, I love to drink, and theres no way I'm gonna quit altogether, I just need to knock off the excessive drinking...
Do you have access to any sort of benzos or clonodine? Good luck.
I have read that symptoms can appear and worsen even if you are trying to keep up a little booze in your system. If you can't get any benzo's from your doc, try some Valerian, it will be in the herbal section if your drug store, and it works for me when I need to dry out.
This is exactly my problem. I've had valerian root before, and i might be able to get some k-pins or clonodine...
Yeah, you'll be alright.
Glad you're feeling better, at least now you know how long it takes you to develop a physical addiction. I love to drink, but I don't drink everyday for this reason. I find I can get buzzed 2-3 times a week an shittered once without getting in trouble.
Why not get used to the WD's for futures sake, rather than slaming down the benzos each time
Because fuck it, thats why.
Well, I'm 24 and I've been drinking a lot since 19, but its been almost daily since 21, but I can't really say for sure. This is the first time its happened, but this was after about a 2 week binge.
EDIT: What I actually was going to say is if you are getting withdrawals then you're going to have a hard time man. You know as well is I do, if you're getting withdrawals and not just hangovers, then you aren't just going to be able to ween yourself off of it.