Jenkem is a totally awesome, yet foul tasting concoction made by only the most hardcore of drug users. By huffing this brown butthash, you can achieve mind-blowing highs and euphoria, as seen in the following trip report. If it's on Erowid then it must be true, so listen up.
Under the advice of several friends, I decided to give jenkem a try. I went down to the Lusaka sewage pond and filled my two liter coke bottle half full. Walking back to my hut I couldn't help but feel a little anxiety, but what did I have to lose right? Upon arrival I sit down and begin to flood my lungs with the sickly sweet aroma as my seven brothers looked on. In seconds my mind was filled with thoughts previously unfathomable. In an instant I saw what needed to be done to alleviate the poverty of my country and people. With the knowledge of kings laid out before me, I now know what I must do. Jenkem has brought me the enlightenment of my ancestors, and for this I am grateful.
Anyway, enough of the backstory. Let's get shitting.
How to make jenkem
Jenkem only consists of human feces and urine, so you don't have to search far and wide to find what is a naturally occurring drug. You're going to need the following things;
- Plastic bottle - Larger bottles can contain more jenkem so keep it in mind.
- Balloon - This will collect the butthash jenkem gases which you will be able to huff later. It's much like huffing nitrous canisters, but with jenkem instead.
- Shit
- Piss
After you've got all the required materials together, you will need to fill up your bottle with poop and pee. You can either use fresh shit which comes from your own backside, or go to the sewage facility to scoop some up. Whichever method you use, remember that human waste is a little messy and you should wear gloves to handle it. Once you have shat and urinated in there, give it a little shake to mix it up and put the balloon over the top. Leave the bottle outside or in another warm place for a week or two, letting it ferment and get all grongled. You can tell how much gas has collected by checking the size and shape of the balloon.
Once you're happy with your jenkem collection, clasp the balloon shut and pull it off the bottle. Now you can inhale that shit deeply, giving you a good butthash high!
Definitely bro. Just make sure you don't get it all over the floor as shit is messy. You might want to use a funnel or something if it's a really soggy shit, as the liquid might run around.
Also I have the thread archived in luurvely .jpg format as well as the picks of Pickwick if they will help? Don't want to fuck about posting without consent though.
Sure, post them in here if you want to :thumbsup: Just give the appropriate credit.
The withdrawals were horrid. They included hot chills, my mothers legs hurting, narcolepsy, Dirty Sanchez stalking me, and visions of PickWick in my sleep.
Thanks dude. Just trying to liven up the community
If you see the beaches of Liberia I bet these niggaz be getting jenked all the time.
Dude it's a joke. Around here at least.
Quit taking it so goddamn serious.
Instead of hunting seashells those niggas hunt pieces of shit in their beaches :thumbsup:
Jenkem ain't no joke.:mad: Firs your just huffing it having a good time. Next thing you know can't go more than a few hours without injecting pure African jenkem. Trust me I know.....:( The devils chocolate is an unforgiving drug.
I know...see what happen to me in my post at the start of this thread....
me n sum of ma niggas hangin
'you niggas! you sit in deese hole! sit in deese hole!'
obligatory black jesus painting
That shit is funny.
High fiber, and lots of rare red meat. Also lots of vitamins.
Anyone up for some grave robbing?
Ok! Eating curry or alcohol will make your hash gas harsh, so try to avoid eating spicy foods. Eating apples seems to give it a smooth flavour, I would highly recommend fruit as a flavour sauce.
I hope this helps.
I've heard pineapple makes it sweet.