We all know what those 'five minutes' are. It's the five minutes you have to wait for something to download, or those five minutes you're waiting for a friend to arrive at your door, or the five minutes you're waiting... well, just waiting!
I was wondering, how does Totse fill those 5 minutes? (Not including posting on Totse, of course)
I'll probably load up a small game. Like GTA III Or GTA VC and have a bit of a shoot around, or play a flash game.
I'm talking about stuff you find on the web.
wrong forum.
here let me help you:
I just fap those five minutes away.
Nope. I'm not LOOKING for anything. I'm talking about what people FIND ON THE WEB to help boredom.
If I'm already at the computer I browse reddit, play some little game on Steam, look for new recipes (yeah I'm gay), and fuck bitches.
in 5 minutes?