The world's smallest engraving by human hand has been completed on the edge of a razor blade. 
The Wilkinson?s Sword blade is now available to buy, with a £47,500 price tag Photo: CASCADE
8:58AM GMT 10 Feb 2011
Graham Short etched the motto "Nothing is impossible" which measures just a tenth of a millimetre.
The letters are invisible to the naked eye, and can only be read with a medical microscope at 400 times magnification.
It took Mr Short, 64, around 150 attempts before he was able to complete it.
Engraving at such a level requires almost superhuman effort and dedication to remain completely still.
He was only able to work at night, when traffic vibrations are at a minimum, with his right arm bound to the arm of his chair with a luggage strap to minimise unwanted movement. He uses a stethoscope to monitor his heart, attempting a stroke of the letter only between beats, when his body is perfectly still. He swims 10,000 metres a day and can slow his heart rate to 30 beats a minute.
He worked from midnight to 5.30am most nights of the week, for seven months on his razor blade. On a good night he’d manage three minuscule letters.
The Wilkinson’s Sword blade is now available to buy, with a £47,500 price tag.
Just wow.
Especially one that has been dulled buy some guy scratching shit all over the edge.
But this guy should have gone in for micro-surgery or something useful with steady hands like that.
1. What made you decide to do micro engravings?
2. How did you find this site?
Good luck on the next project btw.
Don't tell me you actually believe that's the guy who did this?:rolleyes:
Most likely not. For all I know it's another spectral alt.:p
^Troll Account^