It's too cold outside. The first thing I plan to do is watch the first season of Superjail!. I don't know if that's a good idea though.
Seriously bro fuck the cold. Go outside anyway. I can't stress enough what a waste of acid it will be if you stay inside. especially if it's your first time. i always get the urge to roam around outside when I take it.
Weed, comfortable place, music. Being around crowds can give the trip a bit of an edge and wouldn't recommend it (especially sober crowds) but you should be fine.
My first time was at a doof. Got a bit freaky...Ended up tripping on some huge water tank with all my friends instead of staying at the party and then spent the sunrise on the beach. It was good acid
Well i never did acid but when i did shrooms i always had my best trips when i was outside in a comfortable area that was calm and quiet. Id always trip with friends i could trust and listened to my dads old records. Mainly id say just stay in places where you feel comfortable. If you go out where all these random people are you will see them differently and it will be kind of weird
If you dig TV while you're tripping, superjail might not be such a good choice, but who knows, to each their own. I would recommend these movies;
Crank 1 or 2
Coraline, a kids movie, but very cool visuals, and a plot that resonates well with acid.
Blade Runner or Brazil, dystopian movies are cool on acid.
And for some reason the following movies worked for me even though they are not really acid movies; Oceans 11, and American Graffiti
Stay away from stuff that people say will "totally trip you out" for your first trip. Just let it happen and follow your instincts as to what might be interesting. I really think you should reconsider going outside, have a micky of something like cinnamon whisky or shnapps to sip on and keep you a little numbed from the cold. Don't do downtown on your first trip, the woods are your best friend. Your pupils will be very dialated and to me it almost seems like I have night vision. Walking down a frozen river in the moonlight was one of my most memorable and spectacular trips.
Acid hits the body first, and you should expect a good hour or so for things to get rolling. You will feel your nerves starting to light up a bit, a curious sensation in your limbs making you want to strech a lot. Then the visuals start, little patterns here and there, colors, tracers. By 2 hours in you should be well into it, things have a strange significance here, and the key to enjoying it is not to analyze or fight for control, just roll with it.
The peak should last about 3 hours, and I don't recommend any weed during the peak, it changes things a bit, and tends to make me a little paranoid. After you start to come down a bit a joint can re-spark your trip a bit, and help smooth out your comedown, so save it for this point if you have it. The comedown is a bit of a drag, you feel used up and burnt out, I can't sleep for a long time but some people can.
Have fun, and for god's sake buy lots and often, if there is more of a market there will be more around, and I have been looking for a while without success in a city where it was once given away free at concerts.
If you don't trust your supplier, acid is usually sold a few ways. A little piece of blotter paper is the most common, make sure there are perforation marks around the edges and a logo of some sort, otherwise it is probably bunk. Sometimes it is mixed with food coloring and dropped onto things like sugar cubes, or cookies. I have not seen pellet acid or geltabs for a long time but I suppose they are still around, a gelltab will look like a little square of plastic, and a pellet looks like an E tab but way smaller. I have never had acid sold in a capsule, and if your dealer tries to sell you a capsule or a big pellet I hope you really trust him.
I had a really quite mild dose of acid the other night at my place with my best mate (one of very few people I genuinely feel comfortable around). I live by myself, but on my parents property, but they were away for a week anyway.
The only other times I have taken acid (only five or so times) were at bush doofs and these doses were pretty intense. Sourced from the same bloke each time.
My first experience with acid (having only tried weed and booze, as well as being completely new to the doof scene, and well, not having listened to electronic music at all) was a couple of years back, at a big new years doof out in the middle of the bush. As I said all of this was completely new to me. I took the acid the first night and the next 8 or so hours was a bit of a collage of pure beauty and awakening. I didn't know where I was half of that night, I couldn't even formulate the words to speak a word to my best friend, I had basically no concept of time and barely any of place.
The funny thing is, despite the fact I was thrown completely in to this vortex of psychedelic awesomeness I still manages to have the best time of my life and was never the same person again (thank god.) Yet when I had acid the other night, I really didn't have that great of a time (easily the least pleasant and momentus of my trips). I felt uncomfortable alot of the time and just didn't get a good vibe from this seemingly ideal atmosphere.
It just goes to show you... well I don't really know. I have a thousand possible explanations but I really don't want to influence anyones thoughts on the matter.
Watch the movie Heavy Metal. I swear just watching this movie intensified my trip about tenfold, the animation and the colors and the concept is just fucking crazy. It almost induces a trance meditation as you watch it, and your mind comes up with the craziest ideas.
It also makes a hell of a lot more sense on acid than otherwise. I definitely did not expect it to be so amazing but it was.
I know you already took it, but for future times try to get ahold of the flaming lips album Zareeka and 4 devices that can play CD's or mp3's. Place them around the room, get a few friends to press play and trip the fuck out. Also using a xbox with one of the cd's so you get the visualizer with the lights off is highly recommended!
Seriously bro fuck the cold. Go outside anyway. I can't stress enough what a waste of acid it will be if you stay inside. especially if it's your first time. i always get the urge to roam around outside when I take it.
Pretty much anything on acid is fucking awesome.
My first time was at a doof. Got a bit freaky...Ended up tripping on some huge water tank with all my friends instead of staying at the party and then spent the sunrise on the beach. It was good acid
Crank 1 or 2
Coraline, a kids movie, but very cool visuals, and a plot that resonates well with acid.
Blade Runner or Brazil, dystopian movies are cool on acid.
And for some reason the following movies worked for me even though they are not really acid movies; Oceans 11, and American Graffiti
Stay away from stuff that people say will "totally trip you out" for your first trip. Just let it happen and follow your instincts as to what might be interesting. I really think you should reconsider going outside, have a micky of something like cinnamon whisky or shnapps to sip on and keep you a little numbed from the cold. Don't do downtown on your first trip, the woods are your best friend. Your pupils will be very dialated and to me it almost seems like I have night vision. Walking down a frozen river in the moonlight was one of my most memorable and spectacular trips.
Acid hits the body first, and you should expect a good hour or so for things to get rolling. You will feel your nerves starting to light up a bit, a curious sensation in your limbs making you want to strech a lot. Then the visuals start, little patterns here and there, colors, tracers. By 2 hours in you should be well into it, things have a strange significance here, and the key to enjoying it is not to analyze or fight for control, just roll with it.
The peak should last about 3 hours, and I don't recommend any weed during the peak, it changes things a bit, and tends to make me a little paranoid. After you start to come down a bit a joint can re-spark your trip a bit, and help smooth out your comedown, so save it for this point if you have it. The comedown is a bit of a drag, you feel used up and burnt out, I can't sleep for a long time but some people can.
Have fun, and for god's sake buy lots and often, if there is more of a market there will be more around, and I have been looking for a while without success in a city where it was once given away free at concerts.
If you don't trust your supplier, acid is usually sold a few ways. A little piece of blotter paper is the most common, make sure there are perforation marks around the edges and a logo of some sort, otherwise it is probably bunk. Sometimes it is mixed with food coloring and dropped onto things like sugar cubes, or cookies. I have not seen pellet acid or geltabs for a long time but I suppose they are still around, a gelltab will look like a little square of plastic, and a pellet looks like an E tab but way smaller. I have never had acid sold in a capsule, and if your dealer tries to sell you a capsule or a big pellet I hope you really trust him.
"I can see in the dark.....ouch"
who and where you bought the drugs from?
Fix your life while you still have a chance, find a church
give your life to jesus. get a job, wife, and live.
The only other times I have taken acid (only five or so times) were at bush doofs and these doses were pretty intense. Sourced from the same bloke each time.
My first experience with acid (having only tried weed and booze, as well as being completely new to the doof scene, and well, not having listened to electronic music at all) was a couple of years back, at a big new years doof out in the middle of the bush. As I said all of this was completely new to me. I took the acid the first night and the next 8 or so hours was a bit of a collage of pure beauty and awakening. I didn't know where I was half of that night, I couldn't even formulate the words to speak a word to my best friend, I had basically no concept of time and barely any of place.
The funny thing is, despite the fact I was thrown completely in to this vortex of psychedelic awesomeness I still manages to have the best time of my life and was never the same person again (thank god.) Yet when I had acid the other night, I really didn't have that great of a time (easily the least pleasant and momentus of my trips). I felt uncomfortable alot of the time and just didn't get a good vibe from this seemingly ideal atmosphere.
It just goes to show you... well I don't really know. I have a thousand possible explanations but I really don't want to influence anyones thoughts on the matter.
Similar to a rave...Different music/atmosphere/setting though.
Usually held in the middle of the bush, music is 90% psytrance, lots of old hippies.
across my mouth while i slept?
If something is super epic, I tend to say that it 'rocked my cock'
sounds less gay. jussayin.
Definitely write that trip report! I have no idea why, but I love hearing about this shit.
It also makes a hell of a lot more sense on acid than otherwise. I definitely did not expect it to be so amazing but it was.
The word Cock has a good, woody quality to it.
Dick is a tinny sort of word. Perfectly dreadful.