This was inspired by another thread, but I think the question deserves it's own playground.
What character traits and actions do you think qualify a person to hold his head up high and say to the world: "I am a man"?
Is it physical, does a talent for whupping ass, or the ability to work hard, give a person that right?
Is it mental, does the ability to solve problems, keep a cool head, and get shit done make a humble "dude" into a manly man. How about leadership?
I have a few traits I consider important;
Honesty; Don't lie, unless surrounded by liars, and never lie to yourself.
Fidelity; Be true to those you choose as your friends, live up to the commitments you choose to take on.
Individuality; Fuck the fucking fuckers, let no one judge you.
Capability; Be well rounded, know a little about lots of different things, get around, explore.
I could go on a bit, but I will leave it to the community to decide;
What makes a man a man?
"I am a man, man"
That and a pair of testicles.
No really. I'll write something later.
A man is someone who is intellectually free and isn't restricted by religion, society or another barrier.
A man has a penis and a pair of testicles too.
These are all things I agree with and I would add the following.
The ability to appreciate and respect those things in the world which are truly beautiful. There is beauty in all of natures creations. But a man also needs to remember to honor the beauty of destruction. While creation is beautiful, without destruction to temper it, it runs wild and makes everything into a cosmic junk pile. A man knows the balance of nature and kind find the beauty in the things lesser beings fear.
Strength is the balancing attribute of beauty. I am not talking about the ability to lift heavy objects I am talking about true strenght. Strength is the ability to stand fast in the face of opposition. By using strengh to overcome the obstacles life throws in our path, by moving through adversity by force of will, a man gains true strength.
When a man has true power it sometimes manifests in the ability to lead others. A good leader is man who has the power to move decisively on behalf of a group, and to inspire the group to fulfill its goals, is a wonderful asset.
A man has the compassion to feel for others and realizes that it is the natural balance of the virtue of power. A compassionate man moves forward and embraces others, regardless of difference; he looks out not only for "its own kind," but for all beings, simply because they are.
Honor appears in balance with humility; therefore, a man must take honor to mean, in part, respect for ourselves. A man with honor is someone who pays respect to others. Living by a code of honor is also a source of power, as it trains the will and enforces a connection to the ethics by which we should live. A man must remember, through the lessons of compassion, that other cultures have different codes of honor, and react to members of those cultures accordingly. Appropriate behavior varies greatly from one society to another.
A humble man looks at his shortcomings. He must do this with compassion toward himself. As well he should against believing or hoping that he can be perfect, or wishing that he could be. Like Clint Eastwood said in Magnum Force, "A man should know his limitations".
Mirth balances all the virtues and their opposites: it can help create beauty where there is ugliness, give courage to those who feel powerless, and deflate power and honor when they become too heavy with their own importance. A mirthful man is a balanced man. In other words be able to appreciate the LULZ.
A reverent man is a respectful man and understands that reverence is necessary to balance of mirth. Of all these qualities reverence can be themost dangerous for it's dark side is zealotry and zealotry leads a man to falsely believe that the ends justify the means.
Rudyard Kipling
Knows how to work and build.
Has razor sharp facial stubble.
Does'nt whine.
Prefer's Dos Equis.
Someone with integrity, responsibility, and discipline.
In this way, a lowly nerd or a towing bastion of male can both be a man, granted they have these traits, and a penis and ballsack.
Being a man is being someone who gains the respect of other human beings.
Above all, respect yourself. Respect your body; keep yourself clean, fit and healthy. Respect your mind; keep yourself stimulated, educated and broad-minded. Respect your home; keep it clean, tidy and aesthetic.
He hit the spot eh? Much lulzy sensed.
Sorry man, I couldn't resist. :facepalm:
Getting straight to the point, you're a man once you become your own person and do not rely on your parents. Simply dismiss whatever a woman thinks a real man or being a real man is, they can't decide on what they want themselves nor do they know ANYTHING about what it takes to be a man until they grow a penis between their legs and learn about taking responsibility and looking after themselves. Don't entertain the concocted notions made by females as to what a man is.