I fucking hated that movie. So fucking stupid and full of pure shit. I saw the first 30 minutes and couldn't bare it. So fucking disgusting and stupid.
I don't remember what it was called, but it was supposed to be a horror movie. Instead, it was a woman on a boat for a month or so. She eventually went a little mad and saw really shitty things like blood in the sink and shit :facepalm:
"Be Cool", I think it was called. I walked out 3/4 of the way through.
A close 2nd would be "The Love Guru"...if it wasn't for the singing in it, I'd had left after 10 minutes.
Once upon a time, Rolf was on a first date with a potential future Mrs.Rolf and agreed to go to a movie with said potential Mrs.Rolf, states Rolf. The film that potential Mrs.Rolf decided that Rolf should see was a film called Twilight, having no idea what Twilight was about, Rolf accepted, hoping it would be something involving the Ragnarökr.
Alas, Rolf was quite disappointed, fell asleep during the first hour and was yelled at for snoring too loudly, Rolf had to think fast, as the oxygen which Rolf was forced to breathe was quickly being contaminated by bad writing, poor acting and most importantly retardation. Using the wit and brilliance that is Rolf, Rolf quickly said to what was once a potential Mrs.Rolf that said Rolf had to toilet, instead of returning, Rolf left and bought Rolfself some alcohol, states Rolf.
Alien had me on the edge of my seat at the theater in 1979. Of course I was only 17 at the time and lot more impressionable. The sequels got progressively worse and I became progressively less impressionable in general as they were released over the years.
Godfather III was definitely the worst of the three but I would not rank it in the top 100 worst movies of all times.
Alien had me on the edge of my seat at the theater in 1979. Of course I was only 17 at the time and lot more impressionable. The sequels got progressively worse and I became progressively less impressionable in general as they were released over the years.
Godfather III was definitely the worst of the three but I would not rank it in the top 100 worst movies of all times.
I thought the second alien movie was really good but the 3rd one and beyond they all sucked as most movies do when greed leads them to milk the franchise for all they can.
I thought the second alien movie was really good but the 3rd one and beyond they all sucked as most movies do when greed leads them to milk the franchise for all they can.
The second one was OK but it lacked the suspenseful terror that the first one created.
It's about this couple that's accidentally left behind by their scuba diving group.
They swim around for the entire movie, literally nothing happens and eventually they're eaten by sharks.
As for worst movie I've ever seen you can pretty much take your pick from anything Uwe Boll directed.
Completely forgot about those.
I think the VERY worst one was Postal. Fuck me, that hurt to watch. The others are fucking awful, but at least there are moments so stupid you can laugh.
Either Solaris (given the fact that it bored me to tears, I'm pretty sure most of it was a close up on George fucking Clooney) or anything with Gerard Butler in it....oh, how I loathe that man.
I just saw "Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World." :facepalm: I can't even begin to explain why I hated it.
i saw the trailers when it was first coming out :facepalm: that movie looks like shit , straight out retarded. fuking micheal sara , what a faggot :facepalm:
i saw the trailers when it was first coming out :facepalm: that movie looks like shit , straight out retarded. fuking micheal sara , what a faggot :facepalm:
I refuse to watch scott pilgrim. The faggotry that is Michael Cera needs to die. The only movie with him that I enjoyed was superbad but I hate Cera possibly more than any other actor.:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
AHA! thats it, I have been trying to remember that for so fucking long, is it really a dog? I remember it as pretty good, but I just watched Battle Beyond The Stars again and, well, wow, was that ever crap.
Either Solaris (given the fact that it bored me to tears, I'm pretty sure most of it was a close up on George fucking Clooney) or anything with Gerard Butler in it....oh, how I loathe that man.
Solaris might not be the worst movie ever made, but it sure as hell ranks. The upside of it is that it pounded another few nails into the coffin that now holds Clooney's career.
My least favorite movie is Druids, with the guy from Highlander, what a stinker.
Last time I watched my favorite movie that is "Titanic" such a great movie for lovers because In which have emotion drama and love. by this movie I thought that Loves never dead.
Last time I watched my favorite movie that is "Titanic" such a great movie for lovers because In which have emotion drama and love. by this movie I thought that Loves never dead.
That's great, except that this thread is about the WORST movies you've ever seen.
Battlefield Earth
Greenberg-For as good as it was reviewed the movie seemed like another look at me I have problems kinda movie which wasn't even that dramatic. I could only watch 30 minutes of it before turning it off.
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060666/
Although to be honest I watched it on Mystery Science Theater so the heckling made it bearable.
I fucking hated that movie. So fucking stupid and full of pure shit. I saw the first 30 minutes and couldn't bare it. So fucking disgusting and stupid.
A close 2nd would be "The Love Guru"...if it wasn't for the singing in it, I'd had left after 10 minutes.
Alas, Rolf was quite disappointed, fell asleep during the first hour and was yelled at for snoring too loudly, Rolf had to think fast, as the oxygen which Rolf was forced to breathe was quickly being contaminated by bad writing, poor acting and most importantly retardation. Using the wit and brilliance that is Rolf, Rolf quickly said to what was once a potential Mrs.Rolf that said Rolf had to toilet, instead of returning, Rolf left and bought Rolfself some alcohol, states Rolf.
Alien had me on the edge of my seat at the theater in 1979. Of course I was only 17 at the time and lot more impressionable. The sequels got progressively worse and I became progressively less impressionable in general as they were released over the years.
Godfather III was definitely the worst of the three but I would not rank it in the top 100 worst movies of all times.
I thought the second alien movie was really good but the 3rd one and beyond they all sucked as most movies do when greed leads them to milk the franchise for all they can.
The second one was OK but it lacked the suspenseful terror that the first one created.
It's about this couple that's accidentally left behind by their scuba diving group.
They swim around for the entire movie, literally nothing happens and eventually they're eaten by sharks.
Completely forgot about those.
I think the VERY worst one was Postal. Fuck me, that hurt to watch. The others are fucking awful, but at least there are moments so stupid you can laugh.
i saw the trailers when it was first coming out :facepalm: that movie looks like shit , straight out retarded. fuking micheal sara , what a faggot :facepalm:
I refuse to watch scott pilgrim. The faggotry that is Michael Cera needs to die. The only movie with him that I enjoyed was superbad but I hate Cera possibly more than any other actor.:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
AHA! thats it, I have been trying to remember that for so fucking long, is it really a dog? I remember it as pretty good, but I just watched Battle Beyond The Stars again and, well, wow, was that ever crap.
Solaris might not be the worst movie ever made, but it sure as hell ranks. The upside of it is that it pounded another few nails into the coffin that now holds Clooney's career.
My least favorite movie is Druids, with the guy from Highlander, what a stinker.
"It Stinks!"
That's great, except that this thread is about the WORST movies you've ever seen.
Scorpion king 2
Also i liked wicker man for some reason
Read the OP, sera bander.
Greenberg-For as good as it was reviewed the movie seemed like another look at me I have problems kinda movie which wasn't even that dramatic. I could only watch 30 minutes of it before turning it off.