Im barely even prepared. I have no clean clothes and no backpack or folder. I got in a barfight this weekend so Im a bit bruised up, and I left my phone in my friends car. Theres some bitter feelings between me and my friend that Im going to see today because I think i punched him in the jaw. Itll be an interesting day. I wont be drinking heavily for a while.
i :facepalm:'ed when i read this. why stop the more the merrier .
You would facepalm at that. Its easy to encourage destructive behavior when youre not involved.
Not having to worry about having everything I need for class.
What sort of Trig to you do?
Wtf does a network administrator need trig for?
To align network cables at right angles.
You always have an answer.
Just basic trig?
That my friend is the million dollar question. I have to find a Network Administrator working in the industry so I can ask him how Trigonometry has been of use in his/her career. If the answer turns out to be a hearty laugh then I shall ask my professor why the fuck I have to take a pointless class towards my end goal career.