I know that movies and video games aren't always meant to be realistic but do any gun owners on here get pissed about stupid shit on them? I'm sure most people have met the person who thinks they're an expert on guns because they played COD. What pisses me off is in movies when a full auto weapon is portrayed as having infinite ammo.
I also hate how in games a shotgun has a 10 foot range at most. ITT discuss the stupidity that a lot of people thing guns are capable of. I also hate how most people thing shooting gas tank in a car will cause it to blow up.
Shooting accurately without firearms experience.
"Implicit" reloading. Seriously, takes .5 seconds to show a clip drop.
Have you ever shot a gun at a car. I had a early 70's Dodge Demon and at the time a buddy of mine had just gotten a .44 Magnum. We wanted to see what it would do against Detroit metal so from about 15 feet I shot the car in the side right below the small window in the back on the drivers side. The round (brass jacketed) went completely through the driver's side, slid about a 3 foot cut along the back rest of the back seat went into the interior side panel on the back passenger's side and made about a 1/4 inch "pimple" on the exterior side panel on the opposite side.
The point being that even as close as 15 feet that .44 Magnum would not go all the way through the car. So unless you are being fired upon by some serious ordinance or they shooter is using armored piercing round a car is a hell of lot safer cover that you seem to think.
Hell yes, an older model car will serve as cover to some degree. I will completely agree with your findings there.
Ever shot at a newer fiberglass piece of shit, though? Doesn't stop anything over a .22 from the same distance.
A .22 LR has a shit load of penetration for it's size. But yes, newer cars do not have the same gauge of metal that was used 40 years ago. Not to many cars are all fiberglass bodies though. I have been looking for some video of cars being shot but none of them show what is happening to the other side of the car. In any event a car would offer more protection than standing in the open. Even if the round did pass through it's impact would be greatly reduced.
I will completely give you that.
However, when you see someone in a movie standing behind an open car door on a modern make NOT getting hit at all, it gets on my nerves.
Same goes with the concept of bulletproof vests stopping every type of round, regardless of distance to target. Sure, at longer range, it stops or at least lessens the impact of a round. Many movies suggest they stop anything even at point blank. Bullshit.
This one pisses me off as well. The idea that bullet proof vest is an unstoppable fortress is bullshit. As far as I know a Kevlar vest is good against most handgun rounds but is useless against most rifles.
And that's why I like FNH's 5.7x28. Rifle or handgun, the round punches through 40 layers of Kevlar at 100yds.
If ever a bullet could give me a hardon....
edit: if my round measurement is off, I blame the pint of whiskey.
I must agree on that point.
But hey, look at the A Team. I remember reading an article years ago which mentioned that during the run of that show something like 65,000 plus rounds were fired and not one person was ever hit once.
What makes me cringe the most if when the people get sent the fuck flying with a bullet shot. A shotgun shot a few meters away sends one motherfucker flying all across the room.
I'm thinking double-action revolvers. I know shit all about semi-auto.
fixed that for you brah
This one pisses me off as well. When things get shot they drop. There is no flying back about it even with a shotgun. Another one is the suppressor turning a gun into a fucking whisper. They make it seem like with one silencer you could turn even a .50 rifle into sounding like a bb gun.
Nope, I'm a chinaman.
Rolf agrees, however, most shooter games don't have true "long distance" shooting states Rolf. The few that include bullet drop tend to over-exaggerate it, states Rolf... not to mention the lack of zeroing and rangefinders, states Rolf.
As to other annoying gun myths, the already mentioned bottomless magazines, hip-firing and the endless amounts of evil henchmen that seem to have graduated from Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Academy, Rolf is unable to think of many more... except for possibly the amount of loaded and entirely functioning firearms simply discarded in order for the bad guy and good guy to have a hand-to-hand duel, states Rolf... Rolf also forgot to mention the lack of trigger discipline amongst actors supposedly portraying trained soldiers/agents/mercenaries/etc., concludes Rolf.
Also if the chamber was empty with a loaded tube, as one would be carrying it if one's goal was to intimidate one's robbery victims by racking the shotgun in front of them.