#1. Dolce and Gabbana (D & G)
Dolce and Gabbana is one of the unique and are the most
expensive sunglasses in the world worth $383,609.
#2. Luxuriator Style 23
The Luxuriator Style 23 Buffalo ivory temples decorated with 132 hand-cut diamond sets weighing in at a total of 3.45 carats including these it is also filled with 18-karat yellow gold as well, making it one of the most
expensive sunglasses worth over $65,000.
#3. Moss Lipow sunglasses
Moss Lipow is one of the suggestible sunglasses for those who want to go classic and bold and it is one of the most
expensive sunglasses worth over $4,000.
#4. Chrome Hearts Kufannaw I
The highend sunglasses with silver jewelry design, it looks as if its designed with the inspiration of the standard Raybon Sunglasses. Chrome Hearts Kufannaw I is one of the most
expensive sunglasses worth over $1,500.
#5. Fendi Sunglasses
Fendi 411 Aviator Sunglasses designed with excellent and trendy glasses. Fendi 411 is one of the most expensive sunglasses worth over $1200.
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They are quite useful for people who actually leave their basement and for those who live in warmer climates, states Rolf. Like any true man, Rolf wears naught but Ray-Ban Aviators, for Rolf is mighty, states Rolf.
- I lose, sit on, drop and break, or otherwise tear up a pair of sunglasses in about 2 - 3 weeks.
- If they do manage to survive me no pair of sunglasses aver made are capable of surviving my German Shepard for longer than 28.4 days.
My wife on the other hand paid $200 for some name brand upscale shades in 1994 and still has them. So when you average it out her sunglasses have cost us a lot less than mine even if I can find them for $10. :facepalm:Feels bad, man.
I hope this does not constitute PI but I just found DirtySanchez's shades.
That's why you put those badass croakies on them bro :thumbsup:
Shit, that prolly costs more than the shades I buy.
Just tie a string around the arms.
Hmm, that would accessorize my rope belt nicely.
My current prescritption 'normal' glasses are ray bans and cost about £300 with the eye test and lenses. I never have a spare pair so when they do break, I have to go out to one of those 'we make your glasses in an hour' places and pay through the nose.
How is $250 on fashion accessory's ever money well spent.
But I really can't see spending that much to have diamonds and shit on them.
If you buy a pair of $10-15 every several months cause they break and/or you lose them and I buy a pair that has lasted a long time then I think it balances out.
On top of that I spent so much on them that I take better care of them. I am much less likely to just toss them down in the house or something. I make sure to take good care of them.
Both of mine are Oakley, but not crazy Oakley's.
I think one pair was $110 and the others were $150
Do you think they were worth the money? Which ones?
The cheaper ones ($110) were a older model of the eyejackets. I like those the best. The others are E-Wires. I like both but prefer the eyejackets just because of how they feel. The E-Wires look better buy my eyejackets fit better.
Those e-wires are cool, not too big on the style of the eyejackets though, all that curvy plastic shit bugs me.
The e-wires might be a little too matrix though.
Here is what my eye jackets look like.
And here is the type ewire I have.
The eye jackets fit so much better than the ewire's but the ewires look so much cooler.
Haha, sorry
Not sure where they went.
So is your momma, How about contributing and showing us what you like?
She's still ugly. You could do so much better.
and back on topic LOL
Spend the money you saved on weed.