So how many people while out to eat order there food without MSG (mostly only oriental places give you this option)? Me personaly i like my cancer causing goods.
The whole msg being dangerous is just fear mongering from the media. I don't buy into it.
Me neither, i love the taste of the stuff, it makes food great especially whilst stoned with the munchies. its in almost all the salty foods we eat it is amazing what you will find it in. i bought some off brand Cheerios and they had MSG in um.
Hmm. I made a thread about MSG but it must have gotten lost in the move.
Basically it's the sodium salt of glutamic acid, a non essential protein often found in meat. Our tongue can taste sweet, sour, salty, bitter and meaty. Glutamic acid triggers the meaty sense.
Since it's an unstable chemical they react it with sodium metal, and that stabilizes it and gives it a useful shelf life.
There is a ton of MSG in processed foods as well, under a certain amount it can be listed as a seasoning and not under it's chemical name. I won't go to Chinese restaurants that advertize "no msg", I have worked the western side in a couple of Chinese/Western kitchens and have great respect for some of the wok jockeys. Under each wok station was salt, soy, sugar, oyster sauce, sesame oil and MSG. It is just another seasoning, and it makes food taste better.
I recently found out that the main component to one of my favorite staple foods (Goya Rice with sliced and fried chorizo sausage, bacon, beans, corn and pepper) has MSG.
The goya rice has it listed as an ingredient. I never thought to look. Anyway, fuck it.
This. If there's one thing you guys have figured out, it's savoriness. I always wondered why my rice kicked so much ass, and why anyone who tried it fell in love with it. :thumbsup:
This too. I was just doing some reading so as to find relevant shit for this thread, and it seems as though most studies have found it to be harmless in most people "even in large amounts."
I came into this thread to say that - its the detection of savory or meat flavours. Although I have shown no prefference in Chinese restraunts (mainly because one is not advertised) at home I do not use MSG when a recipe calls for it.
I am not one for adding chemical exracts to my food - it has taken 6 years of meat curing to make me gain the curiosity to get some sodium nitrate to see if it really does do anything with the colour on preserved meat.
Why add chemicals to your food? There are plenty of natural ways to make good food taste great.
There are plenty of "chemicals" we add to food all the time, sodium bicarbonate, acetic acid, tartaric acid, sodium chloride, and thorazine are all common household chemicals used to produce food. If you want a good pretzel, or bagel, you use lye in the water bath prior to baking to convert some of the starches to sugars and produce a nice brown crust. My point being; a little msg makes food taste better and like most food related chemicals it occurs naturally in foods anyway, so whats the big deal?
To my way of thinking if it didn't walk, swim, fly, crawl, or grow it is not food. That is not to say that I have not been poisoned on a daily basis by Dole, General Mills, Kraft, and there ilk but I do try to avoid adding anything on my own.
There are plenty of "chemicals" we add to food all the time, sodium bicarbonate, acetic acid, tartaric acid, sodium chloride, and thorazine are all common household chemicals used to produce food. If you want a good pretzel, or bagel, you use lye in the water bath prior to baking to convert some of the starches to sugars and produce a nice brown crust. My point being; a little msg makes food taste better and like most food related chemicals it occurs naturally in foods anyway, so whats the big deal?
WTF? Why is there Thorazine in my food, and which foods are they?
Then how about you go to Whole Foods and leave us normal people alone? You're a bigger and far more annoying proselytiser than the average vegan.
You are going to have to step your game way up if you want to get under my skin kid. I have nothing but time and with that I will have ample opportunities to deal with you.
Me neither, i love the taste of the stuff, it makes food great especially whilst stoned with the munchies. its in almost all the salty foods we eat it is amazing what you will find it in. i bought some off brand Cheerios and they had MSG in um.
Basically it's the sodium salt of glutamic acid, a non essential protein often found in meat. Our tongue can taste sweet, sour, salty, bitter and meaty. Glutamic acid triggers the meaty sense.
Since it's an unstable chemical they react it with sodium metal, and that stabilizes it and gives it a useful shelf life.
It is 100% safe.
The goya rice has it listed as an ingredient. I never thought to look. Anyway, fuck it.
This. If there's one thing you guys have figured out, it's savoriness. I always wondered why my rice kicked so much ass, and why anyone who tried it fell in love with it. :thumbsup:
This too. I was just doing some reading so as to find relevant shit for this thread, and it seems as though most studies have found it to be harmless in most people "even in large amounts."
I came into this thread to say that - its the detection of savory or meat flavours. Although I have shown no prefference in Chinese restraunts (mainly because one is not advertised) at home I do not use MSG when a recipe calls for it.
I am not one for adding chemical exracts to my food - it has taken 6 years of meat curing to make me gain the curiosity to get some sodium nitrate to see if it really does do anything with the colour on preserved meat.
There are plenty of "chemicals" we add to food all the time, sodium bicarbonate, acetic acid, tartaric acid, sodium chloride, and thorazine are all common household chemicals used to produce food. If you want a good pretzel, or bagel, you use lye in the water bath prior to baking to convert some of the starches to sugars and produce a nice brown crust. My point being; a little msg makes food taste better and like most food related chemicals it occurs naturally in foods anyway, so whats the big deal?
WTF? Why is there Thorazine in my food, and which foods are they?
You are going to have to step your game way up if you want to get under my skin kid. I have nothing but time and with that I will have ample opportunities to deal with you.
Tee, hee, hee, I jest, JestA
Dont tee hee me. lol i seriously want to know which foods have Thorazine, and in what quantity.