Simple question - just wanted to know your answers

Personally, I think we'll be much better off than we are right now. Providing we all keep contributing and writing content, we'll get right up there on the Google rankings. we'll also have a working main site, a possibly faster and more optimized forum, and a whole load of other shit to go with it.
Maybe even news coverage?

If that happens, we'll also get a Wikipedia linkback :thumbsup:
Someone needs to commit a murder and write TOTSE.INFO on an adjacent wall with the victim's blood.
Sites like Shitbook and YouTube have killed the market for fringe discussion sites. I'm not sure how it happened, but the activity on these types of sites has been steadily diminishing since mainstream versions of internet social networks started to gain popularity. Most of the explosives/pyrotechnics forums I used to post on are dead or forgotten and inactive. Yet there are still plenty of people posting energetics related videos and having incoherent fragments of discussion on YouTube. And for fuck sakes, there are even explosives 'discussion' groups on Shitbook!
The internet is changing, and we must find a way to adapt if we are to survive. Totse was once a strong empire, but unless something drastic happens, it's always going to be a shadow in the wake of the new social networks.
TL;DR We need to do something fucking crazy to make Totse once again stand out from the shit that now draws a majority of the total internet traffic.
Place is gonna die guys. There's little activity and most people on the internet just aren't fucking interested in a site like totse (the real one) anymore. Don't kid yourselves.
Something drastic needs to happen... something criminal.
Six years ago. I was 13, and I had this little rebellion phase early. I wasn't a little anarchist, but I was awkward at school in the sense that I could really only have meaningful conversations with teachers, because I just didn't give a shit about boy bands and trivial tween bullshit of the early millennium. I was in the market for ideas.
I don't remember how I found totse exactly, but I couldn't leave it alone. So many things fascinated me. The text files,especially. I don't think I read so much over a short period of time. I felt like a kid in a candy store. Even though some of them were dumb, my young mind couldn't tell the difference anyway. I reached a point where I could actually form my own opinions and beliefs, a skill most people don't possess these days, let alone middle schoolers. A skill we all here have for the most part.
I agree that totse has been rendered obsolete by sites offering more in terms of media and the internet is changing, but there isn't no reason that totse couldn't adapt and change along with this very different internet climate. The internet needs sites like totse. It isn't a fringe discussion site, It's a freedom of information site. Think, old school wikileaks.
It all comes down to natural selection, people will abandon the tired old for the attractive new, and if you can't adapt, you die. Totse has been dead, brought back to life in several incarnations, and is as of this point, in a vegetative state.
People said this isn't totse, but the temple exists wherever there is freedom of discussion, opinion, and information.
If we are gonna make it past a year, there needs to be some serious shit done.
We'll still be alive and kicking if we stick to it, honestly. Some shit needs to go down though, just to bring the Totse spirit back and maybe bring some old Totseans back from the grave.
I think this is where we may actually prevail and possibly follow through. We very may well be one of the only great places on the internet
Also, the users depend on the quality of the content
8 months or so?
Yes, this. If you think defeat you will be defeat. Ed.
It's true that:
1. TOTSE-like sites are no longer rare and exciting. Everyone who cares knows you can find this information online so while it probably does still happen there's not going to be nearly so much of the old "lol i'm 12 and what is this I typed bomb in google and there's TOTSE this is my home now".
2. The text files we have currently are no longer new and exciting. If we're going to attract anything but old TOTSE users and people with a hard-on for old-school phreaking, we need new, easily submitted material. If it's not already very easy and quick to submit a new text file here, it should be. Wiki format?
But just because we've stagnated in this regard (I think TOTSE had been there for a while, it's not this site, mind) doesn't mean we can't grow. I like the "natural selection" analogy, but I'm using it in a different sense. I think that all we have to do is avoid sticking to the nostalgic image of old TOTSE and focus on becoming a free, reliable "freedom of information site" with content relevant to today (that you don't have to dig through the forum to find). There will always be shitty new platforms like Facebook. That's okay. Let them exist. Let them "discuss" energetics. If anyone is worthwhile they'll find their way here eventually. If they're not, they'll rot in FailBookSpaceSter. Natural selection of the best sort.
And yes, we need to bring back the spirit of TOTSE. What we have here is not the spirit of TOTSE. It is nostalgia and circle-jerking over the old site theme and a similar domain name. Some people who helped make old TOTSE what it is aren't even here. So where's TOTSE?
TOTSE will begin to appear when we work on contributing NEW information while fixing and maintaining the old. I think toward the end TOTSE became way too much about the forums. The trinity of irc+forum+philes requires balance.
How do we do this, though? We have a lot of knowledge among us, but largely unrealized and unused. There are many experts who have never heard of TOTSE who might love it. How can we get them here to share their knowledge?
When we can return to the childlike awe at the text files holding innumerable new secrets, rather than nostalgia and bitterness, we will have rediscovered the spirit of TOTSE.
Personally, I have been scoping some Pakistani etc forums and they have some activity in them. It might seem things are going down but you just need to wait for your turn. FB and Twitter etc are ruling the Internet because they have some business potential. You need to find people and help them so they can promote
If you stagnate and follow in the footsteps of the old totse, this site will die a second time.
IMO, the original Totse was based around 4 central topics: Drugs, hacking, small scale crime, and explosives. It's going to be difficult to introduce anything fresh into any of these topics without making them too complicated for mass appeal. Some possible ideas:
Hacking - Work on exploiting security flaws in the large social networking sites like Facebook. For every 100 faggots who treat those sites like their lifeline, there's at least one person who fucking hates them and will be tempted to Google "How to hack Facebook" or "Hacking Facebook passwords".
Crime - Work on up to date methods for popular crimes: Shoplifting, commercial B&E, targeted vandalism, etc.. New methods for defeating EAS, perhaps a magic bag type device that actually works, a guide on creating homemade versions of popular Sensormatic detachers, and vehicle destruction techniques that actually work (None of this 'KMnO4 in the gas tank' type bullshit Totse had for 15 years).
Explosives - This is an area I'm currently in the process of working on. Guides for making useful OTC explosives will be created when I have free time away from college.
Drugs are not my area and I barely have a working knowledge of that topic, so someone else will have to figure that one out.
Let's get this shit happening.
I copied that post into another thread in the Help and suggestions section, just because it was so good. I'm going to write up some bullet points to help everyone out - condense all that information into short sentences and ideas which can be worked on. Thanks again
Jeff Hunter wasn't in a mid life crisis, he didn't have any passion left and was tired of the legal issues.
He was a fucking dick @ the end anyways.
Jeff Hunter was a faggot and I hate how some people make him out to be a god.
This is a unique website, although obviously attempting to carry on the totse tradition.
TL;DR version: Don't get caught up in mimicking the details of, and work on building a community based around similar values.
Don't you fucking tempt me.
Why exactly do you think that forums are dying out? And what about ones of this particular nature?
Fuck "the good old days," they're gone, they're not coming back, nor are they being replaced. Forums encourage more participation from retards than what blogs and simple webpages do. Just seek to let the casual person who types into google find and read you, not the anonymous forum veteran who comments. As I already said, they're are moving on or have moved on. Now you have retards who will rather call you a virgin and say U MAD.
Speaking as the guy who hosts TOTSE, and therefor the guy the cops will go to first...
We need to appeal to the young adult population, the traditional TOTSE crowd; nerds and geeks. But not the shitty ones. Anarchistic 14 year old's never accomplished shit and they never will.
This. It would only serve to bring the sitedown. In my opinion we should just keep doing what were doing and let it all unfold. This is a site with total free speech and that should be enough to make us grow.