So, it started with Conan featuring Justin and ended with Glee Justin Bieber special. Now, for a while I have hated Bieber because it's the right thing to do. But after checking some simple facts it seems there is no denying in Bieber potential to attract retards or in other words young bitches. His songs are catchy and his locals are shit but still young kids love him. His is like there pop whatever idol.
So, I have decided not to go against Bieber and instead of acting like an idiot and keep the hate flag raised high, I will do the wise thing. I will join the Bieber club and make some money or troll everyone.
Don't get me wrong, I do hate that cunt. But when you're facing idiots from around the world, it's best to join their club and wait for your chance. Bieber fever will die in few years anyway.
ITT: We hate Bieber.
and your a raging homosexual/
That thing works both ways.
Noticed I used some select keywords in the OP.
I figured that was the reason behind it.
Edit to add:
Bieberites butt hurt over the south park episode, so full of win.
What the fuck was he doing in a dusty shithole like Hermosillo? Trying to cop a hot dog or something?
Exactly, in a few years when he finishes puberty and hits his 20's all the little girls will grow up and realize what morons they acted like over him. By that time he will be to old to attract a new group of young stupid girls without looking like a pedo. And when he tries to make the transition to a serious adult artist he will fall on his face like every teen heartthrob idol before him.
The only legitimate example of some prepubescent star truly making it in the long term you provided was Michael Jackson. The rest of had pubes when they became big.
That is nice, but when I say teen idol I don't mean the same thing as that author of that wiki page, whoever they may have been. So using the word as I am used to I am correct. Apparently you have a slightly different interpretation of the term.
That lol.
People are retards, so it's easy to repackage the same shit a million and sell it to them under a different label.
Quick! Form an opinion!
lol... that list is terribad!
here are just a few that have fit what the OP describes ( there are countless)
Macaulay Culkin
Gary Coleman
Danny Bonaduce
Edward Furlong
Lindsey Lohan
As for Glee, the fact they put a goddamn cripple in it means I despise them for how they are getting as many people hooked because they are "equal". Fuck that shit! Nobody gets famous just because they're in a wheelchair.
haha i wish i could be famous just becuase i was in a wheel chair!
Lol, I don't know, prolly part of his worldwide tour or some shit. When I walked past the place he was gonna sing I facepalmed at the sight of hundreds of teenagers creaming their panties with Justin Bieber and shouting his name so loud it could be heard almost till I reached my favorite cantine in downtown.