I just watched a girl's life soak away.

RemadERemadE Global Moderator
edited February 2011 in Spurious Generalities
I just walked back after dropping off/accompanying a friend to her house I used to live with her and where she lives with some other girls is as rough as fuck. In fact it was only a few weeks ago I was chased by a Chavvy cunt with a knife in the same area. I walked there with a stabproof vest on, and got back fine.

As I am on good terms with the Security at my University - not least as I also hold a Senior position, I stopped by to say hi and have a chat. This particular one is funny as fuck and has some good stories. Anyway, halfway through one, I break his conversation and go

"Dude. Why's there an Ambulance outside?"
We walked outside, locking the office doors and followed the Ambulance to the house they were called to.

We could hear screaming from a few blocks away and when we got there, a girl (from the house) was lying on her bedroom floor, blood soaking into her carpet. She had slit her arm from the wrist to the inside elbow and looked a gonner.
All the Security guy said was "Mate I think you better head home.." I stood there for a few seconds, almost having a non-physical-stimulation orgasm and just came in to write this.

I'm not sure why, but as shocking as it was, I kinda got a kick out of it. Fuck, she could be dead now. That was a good amount of blood (difficult to tell due to the carpet, but she was almost white).

So, anyone else here seen anyone die? To add validity to this, I saw a man shot with a crossbow drown to death on his own blood as he was shot through the heart and lung from the side. Lived in London as a kid. I was only 12.


  • Ad NauseamAd Nauseam Acolyte
    edited February 2011
    I saw some guy jump under a train on the 18th of October last year....or maybe he fell, something like that. It was bloody inconvenient, I was seeing a play that night and the fucker screwed up the eastbound lines. I had to run for twenty minutes to catch it, only to find they'd pushed back the start because "something's up with the trains".

    Still, that sounds...interesting, were you at all tempted to try and get a little of it as a souvenir? I once felt a similar way when one of my friends had there forehead gashed open by a water pump, she survived mind you but there was a lot of blood...it was pretty really, splashing all over the rocks...oh, I'm coming over all nostalgic.
  • BigHarryDickBigHarryDick Cock Bite
    edited February 2011
    I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Head wounds bleed like a fucker.
    Also, lol @ "bloody inconvenient". Nice pun. As for souvenier - just the mental imprint. I don't think about the incident during my childhood much unless I see someone with a crossbow, someone talk about death etc. Other than that, it stays in the rather large part of my mind dedicated to disturbed experiences.
    As for suicide - yes it is selfish. A permanent solution to an otherwise temporary problem. I understand there are a very, very small minority who are hell-bent on killing themselves, but 99% are just crying for help.
  • Ad NauseamAd Nauseam Acolyte
    edited February 2011
    Hmm....I didn't notice the pun, but I guess it works.

    The worst thing about "suicidals" are the ones who never even get it done. They just keep whining on and on and on...

    Do you often see people with crossbows and get horrific flashbacks? I can imagine that would be a great way to meet women.:thumbsup:
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