Ad Nauseam wrote: » Just remember that she's a person too....she may also be desperate, it would be cruel not to do it. Also, are we talking genuine dwarf, poorly proportioned limbs and all, or just short?
Pile of Jews wrote: » We're talking dwarf here my man :fap:
MissingMuse wrote: » it will only hurt her little feelings for a short while.
MooseKnuckle wrote: » you better not come up short.
Intoxicated Shaman wrote: » Haven't you ever seen I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell? Do it to say you did it before.
Also, are we talking genuine dwarf, poorly proportioned limbs and all, or just short?
We're talking dwarf here my man :fap:
Is she a hot midget like the one Moe dated?
I would rephrase my original answer in song, but I'll suffice to say "do it".
At least it's different with all the stubby arms and what not...can't stop you choking her easily either. The possibilities are endless.:thumbsup:
Get her to do some awesome LOTR role play sex.
tee hee.
Oh, and you should totally take a photo of you supporting her bodyweight with your pen0r
i c wat u did thar.
Hahaha yeah that movie was hilarious! The book was a lot better IMHO though.
At full force.
too bad OP is a pussy and wont hide a cam
in his room while he molest this troll. then post it here.