Anyone who doesn't believe the Holocaust happened is worse than a creationist and should just be shot. No questions asked, just shot right there. There would no longer be the danger of one more idiot breeding.
Anyone who doesn't believe the Holocaust happened is worse than a creationist and should just be shot. No questions asked, just shot right there. There would no longer be the danger of one more idiot breeding.
Anyone who doesn't believe the Holocaust happened is worse than a creationist and should just be shot. No questions asked, just shot right there. There would no longer be the danger of one more idiot breeding.
So instead of allowing rational historical debate we should just say fuck evidence and shoot any who challenge or question the official version? That makes a lot o sense:rolleyes:
Anyone who doesn't believe the Holocaust happened is worse than a creationist and should just be shot. No questions asked, just shot right there. There would no longer be the danger of one more idiot breeding.
Sorry chief that's not how logical debate works. The Holocaust is a demonstrable fact yet you advocating the killing of deniers is worse than their denying it, because they are not preventing anyone from challenging and disproving their ridiculous assertions.
In short
Sorry chief that's not how logical debate works. The Holocaust is a demonstrable fact yet you advocating the killing of deniers is worse than their denying it, because they are not preventing anyone from challenging and disproving their ridiculous assertions.
In short
Chief... is a she. But a good looking chief. :fap:
Anyone who doesn't believe the Holocaust happened is worse than a creationist and should just be shot. No questions asked, just shot right there. There would no longer be the danger of one more idiot breeding.
Ironic how you are advocating a mass execution of people who think a certain way, it sort of reminds me of a Holocaust :rolleyes:
Whilst women should be kept out of the workforce, it's ironic that men make the best chefs. That is because it takes dedication, knowledge of various spices, and some amount of sensitivity and creativity. Now there's a difference between chefs and cooks; most mothers in house holds cook BECAUSE THEY SHOULD, but the fact remains that men all over the world predominate in being chefs. I say send every woman to gas chambers and then to the oven.
Now that's out of the way, you're all correct; Indulgence is the typical, pea-brained, emotional, illogical, ignorant, frigid cunt of a woman who has no place in historical discussions or any discussion until given permission. The line that holocaust revisionism is on par with creationism is utterly ridiculous; there is no logical basis in creationism; there is however for partaking in holocaust revisionism, there are many questionable elements, lack of evidence for many claims and vast falsehoods and fallacies made in regards to the history of "the holocaust"; just like there are for creationism. I would infact say that flat out holocaust acceptance is on par with creationism and logical and intellectual inferiority.
As for me, I'm agnostic as far as "the holocaust" is concerned. It is impossible to know every single detail, especially as of this moment; one thing I am convinced about is that you can't go by word of mouth i.e. anything that wouldn't be accepted in a court of law. Hearsay is not evidence. Many "holocaust survivors" have been proven to be liars and merely pushers of later proven falsehoods like the soap myth and people merely going off chinese whispers. If the holocaust happened, then the German media lied to its people to cover up the targeting of Jews, who were viewed as problematic. Alot of people who believe the holocaust happened believed it was hidden from the average German person; the irrational viewed the Germans as all evil. If the holocaust didn't happen, then the Allied media lied to the world to invent a series of precise events about the Germans, who were viewed as problematic. Holocaust revisionists and/or denialists believe that it was invented/exaggerated and indoctrinated in the average person.
Both of these scenarios are possible. The fact that a lot of people believe in the holocaust is not a testament to its veracity. Fuck mob mentality; I despise talk show audience types. [highlight]The only real way to determine whether the holocaust happened or not is forensic evidence.[/highlight] We must also take into account with many pictures relating to the holocaust that captions are deceiving and can be falsified; also soviet proaganda which was widespread and in circulation. Many pictures have also later on been edited.
The most radical believers in the holocaust believe not only that the Germans did carry out mass extermination of jews, but that FDR also purposely allowed it to happen, and that the Northeast Slavs, while oppressed by the Germans, still supported the measures towards Jews. They include in the blaming game: Poles, Ukrainians, Russians (because of Stalin and Hitler's pact), and even Americans. Even if they had conflicting interests in other matters, they believe these people helped towards an extermination.
Just because it is being exploited doesn't necessary mean that it or parts of it didn't happen, nor does it mean that parts of the story weren't exaggerated. I am not a denialist, I am a revisionist; I take logic and reason over mob mentality and political correctness. It should also be noted that a number of jews are also holocaust revisionists and question the mainstream view.
Sorry chief that's not how logical debate works. The Holocaust is a demonstrable fact yet you advocating the killing of deniers is worse than their denying it, because they are not preventing anyone from challenging and disproving their ridiculous assertions.
In short
Jesus christ guys. I was mainly trying to piss off DS. Apparently I need to start putting obnoxious sarcasm tags around everything I say lest you ladies have a shit-fit over it.
Ironically I totally agree with Negrophobe in this instance.
We all know it was a lie, but some don't. The message is clear. Exterminate the sub-humans because they aren't humans.
I'd say packing them into work houses and gulags to gain money to go back to their homeland would work just as well; that is if they don't want to follow anti-miscegenation laws and following a strict restriction on reproduction, to the same levels of fertility as white people; so that means 2-3 kids, per couple in addition to adoption the nation's culture that they reside in. I see the vast majority of them not wanting to stay, since culture is also in the genes (I can post the article if someone wants), or ending up hanged after comitting crimes against the nation.
I'm more of an extreme nationalist than a "white nationalist" type, whilst race is very significant- which is why miscegenation laws ideally should be implemented, culture can and does play its part.
I see the vast majority of them not wanting to stay, since culture is also in the genes (I can post the article if someone wants)
Please do, and hopefully it's actually an academic article with multiple sources rather than some biased drivel pulled off of the internet.
Shockingly, your sources are usually pretty decent. As much I find you to be an insufferable bigot, at least you put thought into your beliefs and attempt to back them up.
Please do, and hopefully it's actually an academic article with multiple sources rather than some biased drivel pulled off of the internet.
Shockingly, your sources are usually pretty decent. As much I find you to be an insufferable bigot, at least you put thought into your beliefs and attempt to back them up.
Should you continue to find Negrophobe to be so "insufferable" I suggest you cease visiting so you no longer have to "suffer" him.
The nation of America is proof that culture is fixed.
Each of the various racial groups and subraces that are in America have in most ways retained their own racial and cultural communities.
The Native Americans retain their own culture and communities, the whites the same and also the blacks.
When they do mix it produces a fusion of their own cultures that in no way bears any real resemblance to their original cultures; such mixing in effect is destroying the original cultures.
In 1956, a group of Brazilian Scientists imported a number of 'Africanised Honey Bees' (AHB) for experimental purposes. These Bees could produce as much as five times more honey than the native ones. The idea, then, was to interbreed them with European Honey Bees (EHB) hoping that the EHBs mild manner would predominate in this new hybrid, whereas the AHBs' superior honey-making ability would prevail.
The lifestyle of AHBs is basically the same as that of their European cousins in all manner of speaking, and it is difficult for all but an expert to tell them apart (they are slightly smaller); and even though their venom is no more poisonous nor potent, they are known as 'killer bees'. The reason? Well there are a number.
People and animals who unwittingly stray into the territory of these bees will naturally initiate an attack, but so too will everyday noises and vibrations from vehicles, people, etc. so it is not necessary to disturb the hive itself.
Once disturbed, the bees will attack much more viciously and in greater numbers, and will pursue their enemy for a much greater distance. The colonies will remain agitated for up to 24 hours, attacking people and animals.
The Brazilian imports escaped quarantine in 1957, and the much milder Brazilian climate allowed them to thrive, swarming wildly and extending their range north east at a rate of between 150-200 miles per year.
They proliferated as much as they did because AHBs are much less selective about their nesting places than EHBs. They will nest in anything - sheds, old tyres, abandoned cars, and so on. They also interbred with the natives, passing on to them their aggressive tendencies.
About 1,000 South Americans have been killed to date as a result of attacks by the imported bees. The problem is of course still ongoing, as now the USA struggles to keep some sort of control over their rapid spread.
In 1990 the bees reached Texas, and a man there, Jesus Diaz, was attacked while mowing his lawn. He was stung eighteen times and was taken to Hospital.
In 1993, another man in Texas, 82-year-old Lino Lopez, was attacked and killed after forty stings.
Later that year, an 88 year-old Apache woman was stung to death in Arizona. She disturbed a colony in an abandoned building on her property.
America is largely a nation of immigrants, but a multi-racial bee society has proved very quickly to be somewhat impractical and rather dangerous.
Red and Grey Squirrels
Squirrels belong to the Rodent family, and the Red Squirrel is the only native squirrel of Britain. The Grey Squirrel is a native of Eastern North America, and in 1870 these squirrels were introduced to Cheshire (Henbury) and then to 28 more sites across the country.
They spread quickly, forcing the reds into retreat. No one is sure why this happened, as there is nothing to suggest that greys breed faster than reds. Some suggest that greys are carriers of diseases that affect only reds. The Parapox virus affects red squirrels a little like Myxomatosis affects rabbits. It dates as far back as 1227, but again there is nothing to suggest a peak of this in the presence of greys. Perhaps the greys are better at competing for food and space.
Reds thrive in Pine forests; hence there is still a large presence in Scotland, whereas the introduction of greys to a certain site in Ireland proved unsuccessful due to poor Woodland.
A record of squirrel sightings in Norfolk was kept between 1960 and 1981. To start with, there were no greys until 1964; but in less than twenty years the reds were almost all replaced by greys. The slow takeover, though, pointed out that, rather than there being a direct conflict between the two, it was a slow ecological development. The removal of greys on Anglesey has allowed the reds to breed and their young to survive, making it clear that it is the presence of greys that causes a real problem for the reds.
Like with this, we can see today how much of a failure multiculturalism is and how it wrecks nations and cultures. The displacement of millions from one part of the world to here is no more beneficial of a sick experiment than trying to mix African killer bees with European honey bees, sharing with foreigners what is ours in our own territory can be likened to the Red Squirrels. Immigrants are unable to warm to British Society; notice how they group together and build communities of their own in our towns and cities whilst driving the alienated British folk away - just like with the Red Squirrels. It's only natural as race and ethnicities are valid taxonomic constructs.
Multi-culturalism is already aware that culture is hardwired into the DNA - But as the Native Americans know - multi-culturalism is genocide and cultural extinction for the indigenous host populations.
Should you continue to find Negrophobe to be so "insufferable" I suggest you cease visiting so you no longer have to "suffer" him.
I do find his posts insufferable. So what? Wasn't the original totse a proponent of free speech? You know, the ability to agree, disagree, argue with, like or dislike whoever the hell you wanted?
It's obvious that neither you nor your entourage actually give a shit about recreating totse or anything remotely similar. I'm sorry for disagreeing with your butt-buddy and interrupting your little circlejerk, I really am; but if you honestly the fact that you're "popular" on this site means your opinion makes the slightest bit of difference to me then you're sorely mistaken. You're as much of a joke as this site is and I'm just sticking around to see where it goes.
Perhaps not today's niggers, but the oldest human remains (Up until recently if that shit about the bones they found in the middle east is true..) are from Africa.
Perhaps not today's niggers, but the oldest human remains (Up until recently if that shit about the bones they found in the middle east is true..) are from Africa.
You know full well that African doesn't automatically mean Negro.
I do find his posts insufferable. So what? Wasn't the original totse a proponent of free speech? You know, the ability to agree, disagree, argue with, like or dislike whoever the hell you wanted?
It's obvious that neither you nor your entourage actually give a shit about recreating totse or anything remotely similar. I'm sorry for disagreeing with your butt-buddy and interrupting your little circlejerk, I really am; but if you honestly the fact that you're "popular" on this site means your opinion makes the slightest bit of difference to me then you're sorely mistaken. You're as much of a joke as this site is and I'm just sticking around to see where it goes.
If I wanted to remove you I'd have Dfg ban you, I was just offering you the option of never "suffering" through another one of Negrophobe's posts.
Perhaps not today's niggers, but the oldest human remains (Up until recently if that shit about the bones they found in the middle east is true..) are from Africa.
Hominid, not fully evolved modern human. Unless you think the remains we dug up there were the same as every knuckle dragging nigger walking around Africa today.
If I wanted to remove you I'd have Dfg ban you, I was just offering you the option of never "suffering" through another one of Negrophobe's posts.
Yes, I'm terribly butthurt over a shitty site I use as a time-waster when I have homework I should be doing. Have Dfg ban me for what? Disturbing yet another Negrophobe+Fatty+DS circlejerk? Go ahead brah. I would genuinely find it hilarious.
I do find his posts insufferable. So what? Wasn't the original totse a proponent of free speech? You know, the ability to agree, disagree, argue with, like or dislike whoever the hell you wanted?
It's obvious that neither you nor your entourage actually give a shit about recreating totse or anything remotely similar. I'm sorry for disagreeing with your butt-buddy and interrupting your little circlejerk, I really am; but if you honestly the fact that you're "popular" on this site means your opinion makes the slightest bit of difference to me then you're sorely mistaken. You're as much of a joke as this site is and I'm just sticking around to see where it goes.
Weren't you the same one in this same thread advocating the execution of all who question the holocaust? Yet here you speak of free speech? Another example of womens inferiority. They can't even be consistent for a few minutes.:facepalm:
Weren't you the same one in this same thread advocating the execution of all who question the holocaust? Yet here you speak of free speech? Another example of womens inferiority. They can't even be consistent for a few minutes.:facepalm:
Why the hell isn't there a multiquote feature? Anyway:
"Jesus christ guys. I was mainly trying to piss off DS. Apparently I need to start putting obnoxious sarcasm tags around everything I say lest you ladies have a shit-fit over it.
Ironically I totally agree with Negrophobe in this instance."
Yes, I'm terribly butthurt over a shitty site I use as a time-waster when I have homework I should be doing. Have Dfg ban me for what? Disturbing yet another Negrophobe+Fatty+DS circlejerk? Go ahead brah. I would genuinely find it hilarious.
Why the hell isn't there a multiquote feature? Anyway:
"Jesus christ guys. I was mainly trying to piss off DS. Apparently I need to start putting obnoxious sarcasm tags around everything I say lest you ladies have a shit-fit over it.
Ironically I totally agree with Negrophobe in this instance."
More like you made the retarded statement then contradicted yourself. When I called you on it you tried to make it look like you were being sarcastic. Isn't that exact same excuse you used when I made you look stupid in that gun thread where you claimed you can tell who has and hasn't shot a gun by trigger disipline?
More like you made the retarded statement then contradicted yourself. When I called you on it you tried to make it look like you were being sarcastic. Isn't that exact same excuse you used when I made you look stupid in that gun thread where you claimed you can tell who has and hasn't shot a gun by trigger disipline?
You mean the thread in which you proved your idiocy by being hostile for no reason and failing at basic reading comprehension? Sure.
I'm sorry you think so highly of yourself that you think I feel the need to pretend I'm being sarcastic in order to save face or some shit. I try rly hard to impress the internet.
We don't need proof, we need a solution.
The solution is to execute your whole family tree.
There is only one solution. The FINAL SOLUTION
Zyklon B is a pesticide used to kill lice, not people.
And yet you believe in the holocaust:facepalm: Do you realize that same pesticide is what they claim the jews were supposedly gassed with?
You're an idiot.
So instead of allowing rational historical debate we should just say fuck evidence and shoot any who challenge or question the official version? That makes a lot o sense:rolleyes:
Sorry chief that's not how logical debate works. The Holocaust is a demonstrable fact yet you advocating the killing of deniers is worse than their denying it, because they are not preventing anyone from challenging and disproving their ridiculous assertions.
In short
Chief... is a she. But a good looking chief. :fap:
Ahh now I understand why you are still a virgin.
Last I checked, Chief is not a gender specific title.
Because he has never had to turn to prostitution to feed his addictions?
we can use hitlers solution to the jewish question.
Ironic how you are advocating a mass execution of people who think a certain way, it sort of reminds me of a Holocaust :rolleyes:
She is a woman. They think based on emotion rather than logic. This is why they make terrible leaders from business to politics.
Now that's out of the way, you're all correct; Indulgence is the typical, pea-brained, emotional, illogical, ignorant, frigid cunt of a woman who has no place in historical discussions or any discussion until given permission. The line that holocaust revisionism is on par with creationism is utterly ridiculous; there is no logical basis in creationism; there is however for partaking in holocaust revisionism, there are many questionable elements, lack of evidence for many claims and vast falsehoods and fallacies made in regards to the history of "the holocaust"; just like there are for creationism. I would infact say that flat out holocaust acceptance is on par with creationism and logical and intellectual inferiority.
As for me, I'm agnostic as far as "the holocaust" is concerned. It is impossible to know every single detail, especially as of this moment; one thing I am convinced about is that you can't go by word of mouth i.e. anything that wouldn't be accepted in a court of law. Hearsay is not evidence. Many "holocaust survivors" have been proven to be liars and merely pushers of later proven falsehoods like the soap myth and people merely going off chinese whispers. If the holocaust happened, then the German media lied to its people to cover up the targeting of Jews, who were viewed as problematic. Alot of people who believe the holocaust happened believed it was hidden from the average German person; the irrational viewed the Germans as all evil. If the holocaust didn't happen, then the Allied media lied to the world to invent a series of precise events about the Germans, who were viewed as problematic. Holocaust revisionists and/or denialists believe that it was invented/exaggerated and indoctrinated in the average person.
Both of these scenarios are possible. The fact that a lot of people believe in the holocaust is not a testament to its veracity. Fuck mob mentality; I despise talk show audience types. [highlight]The only real way to determine whether the holocaust happened or not is forensic evidence.[/highlight] We must also take into account with many pictures relating to the holocaust that captions are deceiving and can be falsified; also soviet proaganda which was widespread and in circulation. Many pictures have also later on been edited.
The most radical believers in the holocaust believe not only that the Germans did carry out mass extermination of jews, but that FDR also purposely allowed it to happen, and that the Northeast Slavs, while oppressed by the Germans, still supported the measures towards Jews. They include in the blaming game: Poles, Ukrainians, Russians (because of Stalin and Hitler's pact), and even Americans. Even if they had conflicting interests in other matters, they believe these people helped towards an extermination.
LOL, even Arabs are getting some of the blame.
Just because it is being exploited doesn't necessary mean that it or parts of it didn't happen, nor does it mean that parts of the story weren't exaggerated. I am not a denialist, I am a revisionist; I take logic and reason over mob mentality and political correctness. It should also be noted that a number of jews are also holocaust revisionists and question the mainstream view.
Jesus christ guys. I was mainly trying to piss off DS. Apparently I need to start putting obnoxious sarcasm tags around everything I say lest you ladies have a shit-fit over it.
Ironically I totally agree with Negrophobe in this instance.
We all know it was a lie, but some don't. The message is clear. Exterminate the sub-humans because they aren't humans.
I'd say packing them into work houses and gulags to gain money to go back to their homeland would work just as well; that is if they don't want to follow anti-miscegenation laws and following a strict restriction on reproduction, to the same levels of fertility as white people; so that means 2-3 kids, per couple in addition to adoption the nation's culture that they reside in. I see the vast majority of them not wanting to stay, since culture is also in the genes (I can post the article if someone wants), or ending up hanged after comitting crimes against the nation.
I'm more of an extreme nationalist than a "white nationalist" type, whilst race is very significant- which is why miscegenation laws ideally should be implemented, culture can and does play its part.
Please do, and hopefully it's actually an academic article with multiple sources rather than some biased drivel pulled off of the internet.
Shockingly, your sources are usually pretty decent. As much I find you to be an insufferable bigot, at least you put thought into your beliefs and attempt to back them up.
Should you continue to find Negrophobe to be so "insufferable" I suggest you cease visiting so you no longer have to "suffer" him.
The nation of America is proof that culture is fixed.
Each of the various racial groups and subraces that are in America have in most ways retained their own racial and cultural communities.
The Native Americans retain their own culture and communities, the whites the same and also the blacks.
When they do mix it produces a fusion of their own cultures that in no way bears any real resemblance to their original cultures; such mixing in effect is destroying the original cultures.
Like with this, we can see today how much of a failure multiculturalism is and how it wrecks nations and cultures. The displacement of millions from one part of the world to here is no more beneficial of a sick experiment than trying to mix African killer bees with European honey bees, sharing with foreigners what is ours in our own territory can be likened to the Red Squirrels. Immigrants are unable to warm to British Society; notice how they group together and build communities of their own in our towns and cities whilst driving the alienated British folk away - just like with the Red Squirrels. It's only natural as race and ethnicities are valid taxonomic constructs.
Multi-culturalism is already aware that culture is hardwired into the DNA - But as the Native Americans know - multi-culturalism is genocide and cultural extinction for the indigenous host populations.
Just as the Aborigines and the Tasmanians.
I do find his posts insufferable. So what? Wasn't the original totse a proponent of free speech? You know, the ability to agree, disagree, argue with, like or dislike whoever the hell you wanted?
It's obvious that neither you nor your entourage actually give a shit about recreating totse or anything remotely similar. I'm sorry for disagreeing with your butt-buddy and interrupting your little circlejerk, I really am; but if you honestly the fact that you're "popular" on this site means your opinion makes the slightest bit of difference to me then you're sorely mistaken. You're as much of a joke as this site is and I'm just sticking around to see where it goes.
Perhaps not today's niggers, but the oldest human remains (Up until recently if that shit about the bones they found in the middle east is true..) are from Africa.
You know full well that African doesn't automatically mean Negro.
Hominid, not fully evolved modern human. Unless you think the remains we dug up there were the same as every knuckle dragging nigger walking around Africa today.
Yes, I'm terribly butthurt over a shitty site I use as a time-waster when I have homework I should be doing. Have Dfg ban me for what? Disturbing yet another Negrophobe+Fatty+DS circlejerk? Go ahead brah. I would genuinely find it hilarious.
Weren't you the same one in this same thread advocating the execution of all who question the holocaust? Yet here you speak of free speech? Another example of womens inferiority. They can't even be consistent for a few minutes.:facepalm:
Why the hell isn't there a multiquote feature? Anyway:
"Jesus christ guys. I was mainly trying to piss off DS. Apparently I need to start putting obnoxious sarcasm tags around everything I say lest you ladies have a shit-fit over it.
Ironically I totally agree with Negrophobe in this instance."
More like you made the retarded statement then contradicted yourself. When I called you on it you tried to make it look like you were being sarcastic. Isn't that exact same excuse you used when I made you look stupid in that gun thread where you claimed you can tell who has and hasn't shot a gun by trigger disipline?
You mean the thread in which you proved your idiocy by being hostile for no reason and failing at basic reading comprehension? Sure.
I'm sorry you think so highly of yourself that you think I feel the need to pretend I'm being sarcastic in order to save face or some shit. I try rly hard to impress the internet.